Chapter 7

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***********Hey guys srry for the long update but ive had a  lot on my mind...  dnt forget to vote nd comment, but only if i deserve it!!!! anyways... enjoy :) **********************

The rest of the day I spent at Rosa's house. We watched movies, ate popcorn, watched novelas (for definition go down) and just started texting and getting on Facebook because we got bored. I really didn't pay attention to anything that I did because I kept thinking back at what happened in the morning. I kept wondering what it is he might have said. I don't know why but I kept imagining that he might say "I love you!" or  "I like you a lot" or I don't know.. But I kept fantasizing about that the whole day.

***************** TWO DAYS LATER *****************************************

I was in my room listening to music when I got a text from Eric. "EEEEEEKKK!" I squeaked out loud. Good thing that I my parents were out of town for the weekend because they would surely get mad at me for doing that. They don't like it when I make loud noises. I checked the message, excited as ever.

"Hey Arely Me and some cousins are playing a game of soccer later on today. And After my team wins, we're having a party. Rosa and Miguel are coming too. My parents are gone for the day so we got the house to are selves. ;)  Anyways, if you wanna come you can. The game starts at 7 sooo hope you come! :) "

" AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! " I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was sooo going over his house. But first, I needed to call over Rosa to help me pick out something to wear. I picked up the phone, but before I dialed, I rethought the offer. His cousins were their and even though they cool, they can make me nervous because because they are even more outgoing than Rosa. Sure i've been outgoing with Eric, but that's just because I already know him. Will I be as outgoing around them too? You know what, forget it. I'm going to that game and I WILL have fun. I dropped the phone and went to my closet; I would have to do this without Rosa, because with her here I would start to worry. I looked at the clock, 5:30 p.m. Enough time to get ready.

I took a shower and picked my clothes carefully. I wanted to look good, but not like I put much thought into it. But at the same, I couldn't look like I just put on what ever. I finally decided on a white tank top with skinny jeans and some Vans. I put on a sporty navy blue jacket since it was a little chilly. By the time I was ready it was 6:45 p.m. and I didn't want to get there early so I just sat in my room waiting for a good time to get there. I was starting to get impatient because I wanted to see him. I was about to call Rosa over when I got a text. I checked my phone. "Eric" I thought. I smiled as I checked the text. It said:

"Hey Arely, can you come a little earlier? I kinda need your help with something..."

My smile widened. He wanted MY help. I wanted to run up to him and hug him so badly, but I couldn't because I knew neither him or Carlos would let me live that down. So for now all I could do is watch him play his favorite sport, soccer. I answered his text replying: "Um sure but what do u need my help for?" He texted back saying: "I'll tell u when u get here :)" I ran out the house and started speeding walking to his house.

Before I actually got to his house, I slowed my speed until it was a normal, casual walk. Eric was in his yard with Carlos practicing for the game. When their cousins come over for a game, they all take it very seriously. They even bet money on which team will win. Each player puts in 5 bucks and the team that wins divides the money within themselves. When Eric saw me him smiled at me. That made Carlos look my way at he got distracted. Eric used that opportunity and scored a goal. Carlos tried to block the ball but he was to late. Eric and I smiled at each other. When I finally reached them Carlos glared at me. "You distracted me.." "Yeah, I have that affect on guys." As I said that I batted my eyes and threw my hair over my shoulder like one of those blonde girls on TV. Eric started to laugh and Carlos just snorted.

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