Chapter 6

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*** This chapter is a litle boring but I was bored sooo here u go Clara***

I woke up in the morning to the smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausages. "Mhmmm" I thought to my self. Rosa can really cook. I looked at the time on the clock. 8:30 a.m. I felt like going back to sleep but I knew that if I did I would miss out on those awesome pancakes. I got up not bothering to change since it was only me and Rosa. Her parents left to work at 7:00 a.m. so we were alone. As I walked in the kitchen the smell of food hit me harder. I couldn't wait to gobble down every last sausage. "Good morning Rosa!" I said cheerfully as I looked at all the food on the table. YUMMY! "Good Morning" "Umm Rosa, isn't that a lot of food for only two people?" "It is a lot for two people, that's why Eric and Carlos should be here any minute." I stared at her wide eyed. Eric was coming over for breakfast, and I was wearing a tight tank top and tight shorts that hugged my body. I had to change into something else, but I had nothing but another change of clothes. Maybe if I took a quick shower... *DING DONG* Oh no, they're here! Rosa turned to me and smiled. "Oh look. They're here." I looked at her suspiciously. It's true we had a good time and all yesterday but two days in a row not being shy must be impossible. "I'll go get it." Rosa said, still smiling.

I could hear Rosa greet them at the door. My first thought was to sit down so they wouldn't see what I was wearing. As I reached the table they came in and I turned around. Both Eric and Carlos were looking at my shorts. Rosa stood in the back smiling. I coughed and they both snapped back to reality. "Hey Eric, hey Carlos." "H-h-hey Arely..." Eric stuttered. Oh my god did he just stutter? Carlos looked me over gain and whistled. I rolled my eyes and Eric elbowed him in the stomach. Rosa bursted laughing. "Let's eat then" She said.

As I took a seat at the table Eric jumped to the seat next to me and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Realising what he had just done he looked away and blushed. I smiled to myself. I wanted to laugh so badly but I didn't want to embarrass him more. I took two pancakes, some scrambled eggs, and three sausages. Everyone else pretty much did the same, except Eric took 6 sausages. I looked at his plate and said "Looks like someone loves sausages." He smiled. "Yup" He popped the "p". I smiled back and took a sausage off his plate and ate it. "Hey!" Eric exclaimed. I laughed and stuck my tougne out he reached for my plate but I moved my plate before he could take a sausage. "Are you two gonna eat or are you guys just gonna fight over sausages because I didn't make all this food for nothing." Rosa scolded us. We both looked down in defeat and started eating. Carlos and Rosa finished and started taking their plates to the sink. I was done too and before I got up I saw that Eric still had two sausages. I made sure he wasn't looking and took another sausage. Hey looked at me and faked like he was angry, but he couldn't help to smile. He got up and was about to grab me but I ran. He chased me to the living room.

I opened the door and ran outside in the backyard. Eric was close behind me. I was barefoot and I tripped on a rock. "Shit" I muttered. I fell down and Eric jumped on top of me. We started to wrestle and I bit his arm. Then Eric bit my hand. We started to wrestle again and he pinned me down. He was about to say something when Rosa came outside saying "My mom is home so unless you two want to get caught like that you and Carlos need to leave now and Arely come inside." Eric got off me and ran to the front with Carlos behind. I got up, dusted myself, off and went inside. "Where's your mom?" I asked. Rosa just smiled at me. I looked suspiciously at her. Then It hit me. "Your mom didn't come home did she?" She kept smiling at me. "Rosa........" "Well it looked like you guys were having fun so I thought that maybe a little interrupting would be good for you. You know, I thought that you might be uncomfortable since you're so shy..." "Ughhhh ROSA!!!! You interrupted my moment for nothing!" Rosa started to laugh and I couldn't help to stay mad at her. I started to laugh with her. "Next time though, wait until I actually feel uncomfortable to interrupt."

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