Chapter 8

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 When we got inside everyone was already seated on the couch or on the floor with pillows. I grabbed some chips from the kitchen and sat down on the floor with a pillow. Carlos was also on the floor, and he scooted closer to me. Alejandro got up from his place on the couch to sit next to me. Eric noticed and took Alejandro's seat on the couch. Did he look annoyed? "So what are we going to watch?" I asked. Eric smiled at me and said, "Horror movie." I chuckled. One of Eric's cousins, I'm not sure which one, said, "Ohh Eric you sure? You won't cry or scream like a little girl this time?" Everybody laughed and Eric's cheeks flushed. Carlos got up, cleared his throat and started to speak in his best butler voice, "Tonight we will be watching, 'Terror in Chernobyl'. This movie is not appropriate for any crybabies, loud screamers, or Eric." Everybody started to laugh at the last part. Carlos continued, "Please take your seats and await the film." He sat back down and everybody snickered. Eric rolled his eyes any put the movie in the DVD Player.

As the movie credits began, I laid on the floor, resting my head on my pillow. Alejandro also settled on the floor and put his head on my stomache. At first I felt uncomfortable, but then I relaxed when Alejandro turned to me, winked, and signaled for me to look at Eric. Eric looked a little pissed. Was he jealous? And was Alejandro helping me with Eric? I was going to have to ask Alejandro about this later. Also, Alejandro takes way to long to say. I'm just going to call him Alex. Carlos seemed to notice Alex laying on top of me. He narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything. Rosa noticed as well. "Dang Arely, not even 24 hours and you already hooked up with Alejandro? You're fast." Everybody laughed and I blushed, not knowing what to retort to her. Actually, I did know what to say, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. I felt embarrassed. Luckily, Alex didn't. "We didn't hook up. She's my new buddy, and she's awesome enough to let me lay on her. Plus it's comfortable." Everybody chuckled, except Eric. "Yeah, Eric would know. Right Eric?" She retorted. Miguel chuckled, since he knew what Rosa was talking about. Everybody looked confused, and Alex gave me a questioning look. I just shrugged.

The movie began and every bodies attention turned to the screen. Nothing much happened after the movie. We ate, talked a bit, and danced around to the music playing. I got to know Alex more and he seemed like a cool guy. He was 13 and an awesome soccer player. Also, apparently he had no girlfriend, which means Eric was jealous. Ha, Eric was jealous, something I never thought would happen. I told him I would be calling him Alex from now on and he just chuckled. I also found out that by the time school starts again, Alex would be going with us to High School. Eric kept glancing our way, narrowing his eyes, as if he didn't approve of me hanging out with Alex. Which reminded me that Alex was helping me out with Eric. "Hey so can I ask something?" "Sure, anything." He replied. " How come you're helping me with Eric?" A wide smile appeared on his face. "Because... I think that it's awesome messing with my 'favorite' cousin, and you need help. Big time." I frowned. I don't need help. At least I don't think so. Alejandro seemed to notice my confusion. "Now I'm not saying that you can't do it by yourself, it's just that with me around, you and him will be living happily after ever after a little sooner." He smiled and pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hand away and fake pouted, which only made him laugh. I hated when people pinched my cheeks. I bothers me, and it hurts a lot. Eric came up to us and coughed. We both looked at him and he looked annoyed. "Hey, um, Arely can I talk to you?" We both looked at him expectantly. "In private." He added. I looked at Alex and he nodded while grinning. This guy has something in mind. And I want in on it.

I followed Eric to the couch and sat down. Everybody else was dancing, and it didn't seem like they could dance in my opinion. "So watcha wanna talk about?" What I really wanted to know is 'Hey Eric, are you actually jealous and do you like me?' But for now I'm going with my instinct. "Well, um.. I was wondering. Do you like Alejandro? Because like I said, he has a girlfriend." I chuckled at his last words. Alex doesn't have a girlfriend. "Why do you want to know?" I smirked at him. This time I had the upper hand. "No reason, I'm just curious." He said nonchalantly. Stop lying, you're dying to know. "Well what if I am interested in him?" I asked. He looked a little surprised at me. "Because I already asked, and he DOESN'T have a girlfriend." He blushed and looked down, embarrassed. I'm starting to love this 'having the upper hand' thing. "Ummm, well, you see...." His voice trailed off. "They must've broke up." He said it way to suddenly. A wide grin appeared on my face. He's soooooo jealous. Eric looked at me confused. "Why are you smiling?" He asked. "No reason..." I replied. He just looked at me confused and shook his head. "Sometimes you can be so weird Arely." I smiled. "But you still wuv me." I said pinching his cheek. He chuckled and muttered something under his breath while looking down. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing.." He replied still looking down. I narrowed my eyes at him.

Suddenly one of Eric's cousins came over and looked us up and down. I think his name was Victor. "Oh sorry Eric, am I interrupting something?" He smirked and looked me up and down. I don't like this guy. Way too cocky for my liking. "No, not at all." Eric responded. "OK. Now, Arely right? Wanna dance?" He asked. The other guys, Jose, Fernando, and  Pedro, started whistling and cheering. Suddenly, one of those songs where people grind on each other came up. Dam stupid radio. Couldn't you have put on a slow song or something, anything other than this. I looked around nervously. "Um, n-no thanks, maybe n-next time.." My voice trailed off. Victor pulled me up and dragged me to the middle of the room. Just as he was about to start dancing, Eric came up and pushed me protectively behind his back. "She said she didn't want to dance." Eric said, grinding his teeth. "Well what are you going to do, marica."  Victor said mockingly. (translation: marica = wimp, not manly.) They started narrowing there eyes and before anything could happen, Alex came in between them. "OK guys, that's enough. Why don't you go back with your friends Victor, and you Eric go with your little brother because I think he's way to hyper." The guys snorted at each other and before Victor turned away, he smiled and winked at me. I just rolled my eyes. Alex pulled me back to the couch. "What happened back there?" He asked. I payed no attention to him. Eric defended me! He was willing to fight for me! I started smiling like an idiot. Rosa came up to us. "Hey Arely, Alejandro. What happened back there? Why are Eric and Vic mad?" Alex shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head towards me. I just sat there with a big goofy grin on my face, thinking of Eric and what had happened a few minutes ago. "Give her some time," Rosa said, "that goofy grin means she's day-dreaming about Eric." Alex just nodded his head and waited. After a little while I came back to reality.

"So now are you going to tell us what happened?" Alex asked. "Um well, Victor asked me to dance and I said no. Then he pulled me up there and before he could do anything Eric came and pushed me behind him and they were about to fight when Alex came in." Rosa and Alex nodded there heads. I started to smile again. "But the best part is, Eric defended me. Which means he cares." Rosa chuckled and Alex just smiled and shook his head. "Oh Arely, you have a lot to learn." Alex said.               

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