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ship: romione — Ron/Hermione

prompt: "I like the way your hand fits in mine."

setting: Just after the Battle of Hogwarts, at the Burrow.

warning: mild cursing (just once or twice)

words: 251

Ron and Hermione had made it a habit of walking in the fields daily. Immediately after waking up, they would dress and meet outside. They would then walk until Ron's stomach began to growl. They avoided the hard topics -- the war. They chatted over meaningless things, sometimes holding hands, sometimes not.

Ron wasn't really sure what Hermione was going on about, he was too focused on her face. The brown eyes that lit up excitedly, her plump, strawberry pink lips, the chubby cheeks, her curls with dew from the misty air on them --

"Ron, are you listening?" She asked.

Ron shook himself and felt his face heat. "Y-yeah, go on?"

Hermione nodded, tucking some curls behind her ear. They blew back into her face immediately.

Ron didn't know how one girl could be so stunning.

"--I just can't believe how fascinating it all is!" What was she talking about? Shit, he didn't know. "Mum and Dad used to take me there as a kid, I loved it and --"

Ron interrupted suddenly, feeling her soft hands. "I like the way your hand feels in mine."

Hermione's mouth shut as she blushed. Ron's face matched his ears. "I, uh --"

She smiled at him, taking his other hand. "I agree."

They walked back to the Burrow minutes later, Hermione's head nuzzling Ron's chin.

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