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Ship:  Luna/Ginny

prompt:   "God, you always make me blush so damn much."

setting:  Ginny and Luna, laying in an apple orchard.

warning:  mild swearing, CUTENESS

category(?):  fluff?

words: 339

The blonde and redheaded girls had found a beautiful -- mostly empty -- apple orchard in the middle of nowhere. Luna had been driving in the old Ford truck they'd bought earlier that summer for what seemed like hours, when they saw it.

Luna had parked in an area of grass, and climbed out. "Coming Peach?"

Ginny blushed at the nickname. "Comin', Sweetpea."

Coming together at the front of the black truck, Luna took Ginny's freckled hand. "Your out fit is adorable."

Ginny blushed again. She was wearing a pair of torn overalls and a gray shirt. "Thank you, Luna."

Luna swung their arms, skipping. This meant Ginny had to skip too, and her once long hair -- it was to her chin now -- hit her face repeatedly. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, you know, to the apples! We can pick some, and then watch the clouds."

Ginny shrugged and looked her girlfriend in the face. "Last one to the first tree's a rotten Hippogriff!"

Luna laughed, which again made Ginny blush, and ran after her.

The two collapsed later -- having several apples in their pockets -- in the shade on dewy grass. "You're going to get awful stains on your dress, 'pea." Ginny said, feeling the soft, pale purple fabric.

"Oh well, you can always teach me to wash it. You're so smart."

Ginny blushed. Is this the millionth time already? she thought. "Thanks."

"And you're absolutely beautiful in the sunlight."

Her face felt on fire.

"Not to even mention how cute your blush is."

Ginny covered her face, which felt like exploding. "God, you always make me blush so damn much."

Luna moved her hands and kissed them both. "I know."

They both laughed, as Luna laid her head on Ginny's rising and falling chest. "You know what Peach?"

"What Sweetpea?"

"I think I rather like you."

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