fifty nine-harry/ginny

427 12 12

requested by: PygmyPuff73

ship: ginny/harry

prompt: "We're young and we're reckless!"

category(?): idk funny??

warning/tags: graffiti, illegal,

notes: I have never once done something reckless, so idk how this is XD

words: 364

"Gin, I'm not sure we should be hopping this fence," Harry whispered, swatting a mosquito from hi arm. "It's kind of illegal?"

She laughed quietly. "Harry, we're teenagers. We're young and we're reckless! This is the stuff we're supposed to do."

He stared at her incredulously. "Okay, yeah, but breaking the law isn't one of them!"

She rolled her eyes. "You've been spending too much time with Hermione, and not enough with me."

She pinned him against the stone brick wall of the gas station and kissed him. "Now, are you going to grab that tin of spray paint and help me or not?"

He glanced at the bottle of gold spray paint and nodded. "Okay, okay. But you owe me."

She laughed. "Hurry, before someone comes!"

They each took two of the tins and sprayed a message over the wall: YOUNG AND RECKLESS

They heard footsteps, and Harry pulled them both behind a car, and Ginny covered her mouth to muffle her laughter.

Once the steps had gone past the corridor, she burst into laughter. "And you say you don't want to snog me."

"Shut up, Ginny. I want to do something reckless."

"We just did, Mister 'oh Gin! It's illegal!' weren't you satisfied?"

He stared at her. "What can I say? You gave me a taste of it and I want more. You wouldn't give a dog food then pull it away, would you?"

"You've just compared yourself to a dog, you know."

"What else can we do? I need to do something reckless and stupid."

She pretended to think hard, before standing and running, forcing Harry to follow her into the nearby field.

"Where - are - we - going?" He gasped.

She stopped in the middle of the tall field. "Kiss me, Harry."


"You say you can't kiss me because I'm Ron's little sister. No one can see us. It's the most reckless and stupid thing you could do. Are you up to it? Or are you a coward?"

He stepped forward and kissed her with the most passion he'd ever had, and she let go. "And you say you're not a kisser."

Harry smiled. "Maybe I was mistaken."

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