twenty one-harry & a kitten

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ship: not a ship, just a thought im lowkey crying over

prompt: my mind

setting: umm harry's apartment

category(?): hopefully fluffy

warning/tags: im very happy right now, which means hyper. which also means this might be crap. oh well.

notes: im listening to twenty one pilots. as i write chapter. twenty. one. hahaaa. im a dork. enjoy!
Also the cat in the picture is my cat. His name is Greystone and he's purrrfect.

words: 375

Harry had adopted Franklin nearly two years ago from a rundown animal shelter on a rainy Tuesday. He wasn't quite sure how he remembered it so clearly, but he did. Franklin had been -- and still was -- the most important person/animal in Harry's life since Ginny.

  Franklin was a cat. A bloody amazing cat, to be frank.

Franklin has beautiful grey fur, with white patches across his paws, chest, and nose. He has bright yellow eyes, which look like eyeliner is smudged beneath. He's very fluffy, not to mention playful. Of course, if Franklin knows Harry doesn't want to play, he'll cuddle instead.

"Franklin, I'm home!" This was the beginning to their routine. Harry often left before sunrise for work, came home stressed -- sometimes bloody! -- called out for Franklin, and slumped into the sofa in front of the television. Franklin would scamper into his lap, and bat at Harry's glasses until Harry laughed, and fed them both.

Franklin couldn't imagine his life before Harry, and Harry hated his life before the kitten. It was a good match. They lived for each other. It took some getting used to, of course. Franklin wasn't fond of Kreacher, or the Floo, or loud noises...which Harry made a lot of. And Harry wasn't used to the smell of litter, or mews at four in the morning, or the fur everywhere. But they adjusted.

Some of the worst nightmares Harry had were solved by the consistent purring on Harry's chest, and he was easily grounded during a panic attack by the sharp claws in his bicep. Franklin had to be fed daily, more than once, so that kept Harry from doing something utterly stupid, like forgetting to eat. How one could simply forget to eat, Franklin -- and Ron -- didn't know.

Harry's love life had become nonexistent after Ginny, not that Franklin didn't try to help! He just didn't want Harry hurt. So if he got a bad vibe from the girls or guys that came over, well, let's just say he was still working on keeping his claws under control.

They protected each other, and loved each other. Harry gave Franklin love that rainy Tuesday by adopting him, and Franklin gave eternal love in return.

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