sixty four-draco/harry

572 25 12

Requested: I think PygmyPuff73

ship: draco/harry

prompt: "a muggle au"

category(?): sad but also fluffy?

warning/tags: cancer, wedding talk


words: 185

Draco looked at his boyfriend in the hospital's bed, twiddling his thumbs. "You need something to look forward to, a reason to fight this stupid cancer."

Harry looked wt him. "Alright...If I survive, will you marry me?"

Draco choked on air. "Pardon me?"

Harry grinned. "If I best cancer, will you marry me."

Draco pretended to think. "Well, you should try to convince me. What'll the ceremony entail?"

Harry grinned. "Well, I think there should be Amaryllises, and of course lilies."

Draco hummed. He did love his Amaryllises.

"Then the bridesmaids' dresses will be a nice blood red, gold glitter in their hair. And the best men's suits can be that forest green you like so much, for whatever reason."

Draco let out a laugh. "Who knew you liked fashion so much?"

"Well, anyone around you will pick a few thing up, Dray. Anyway, I think someone should play Amazing Grace, perhaps Hermione. Of course we'll have Teddy as the flower boy."

Draco nodded appreciatively. "Yes. I'll marry you, but you have to best cancer first."

Harry gave a salute. "Cancer is going down."

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