eighty nine - luna & harry

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ship: harry&luna

prompt: i saw a picture of cut off hair in the sink

category(?): idkk maybe fluff?

warning/tags: bromance, platonic kiss, shirtless Harry, best friends, referenced violence, bad date, sad luna, hair cutting, Harry's thoughts, flatmates

setting: Harry and Luna's flat

notes: tbh I feel like Harry would try to find the guy and kill him after this hahah

words: 501

Harry and Luna had been flatmates for four years, so Harry thought he was used to her eccentrics.

He was wrong, how could one ever get used to Luna?

He had been having a pleasant night, waiting up for Luna like she'd asked him to. She had wanted to get dinner from the new Leon's down the street.

He had just started to get dressed — on Sundays he only wore pyjamas — when he heard the door slam.

He abandoned his shirt, grabbing his wand from the dresser, and peered through the cracked door.

Luna had made her way into the lounge, and was hurrying to the bathroom.

  "Luna?" Harry called out, his wand hand relaxing slightly, but not completely.

If Luna was this upset, it couldn't be good.

She didn't answer him, just closed the door with another bang.

He pressed his ear to the door, hearing a few quiet sobs and something that sounded like snipping?

He knocked softly on the thin door. "Luna, what's wrong?"

It was quiet for a few more minutes, and Harry was about to knock again when she suddenly opened it. Harry fell with a loud thump to the floor.

He looked up at her from the ground, noticing one thing was very different.

Well, one very obvious one. She was obviously sad, which was unusual, but there was something much more noticeable.

Her hair was chopped off as though a child had done it, uneven and blunt, up to her chin.

  "Woah, Luna!" Harry exclaimed, 'elegantly'.

She smiled down at him, looking very vulnerable. "How do I look?"

Harry tilted his head, making his way to his feet. "You look different, but in a good way."

She beamed at him. "Thank you, Harry."

  "So uh," Harry tried to sound nonchalant, but his voice took on a worried tone, "what made you cut it? Haven't you been growing it out for years?"

She nodded. "I hadn't cut it since Mum died. Daddy wasn't good with hair."

Harry nodded. At least he was used to her blasé way of discussing death.

  "But tonight I...I decided it was too dangerous."

Harry frowned. "What? Did something happen on your date?"

She nodded. "I made him angry when I wouldn't sleep at his flat."

Harry was slowly understanding what she had said, but it took a minute for it to sink into his head. "Oh no, are you alright?"

She hugged him. "I'm okay. I had my wand on me. I'm glad you persuaded me into taking it."

  "I am too." He whispered, hugging her back. It was quite weird not feeling her hair where her back was. "You sure you're really okay?"

She pulled away, smiling. "Definitely. Why don't we go for dinner after you finish getting dressed?"

Harry blushed as he suddenly realized he was shirtless. "Right, that's good. I'll meet you in the lounge."

She smiled at him again as he kissed her forehead.

How anyone could ever hurt his friend he had no idea.

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