eighty six-harry/ginny

371 5 20

Requested: ElementOfARose

ship: ginny/harry

prompt: "It doesn't matter how strong you are...when you find a note like that on your daughter's bed, it pits your heart in a blender."

category(?): angst

warning/tags: kidnapping, stay at home dad!harry

setting: Potter house

notes: i actually made myself cry with this so good luck

also changed the request a lil

words: 449

  "Harry," Ginny asked, her fork halfway to her mouth, "where is Lily? She's the only one I haven't seen tonight."

  "In her room, she said she felt sick earlier so I told her to have a little kip. Now that I think about it, she's been too quiet for a twelve year old."

"Would you check for me, please? My feet are too sore to go up the stairs."

Harry kissed the top of Ginny's head. "Of course, love. I'll make sure Jamie and Al are asleep too, yeah?"

Ginny smiled up at him. "You're the best housewife a girl could ask for."

Harry snorted. "Har dee har, Miss Potter."

He checked in both boys' rooms — Albus was sleeping, James was not — and went to Lily's. He was sure she was asleep, but he had a weird feeling.

  "Lily? You awake?" He whispered, knocking on the door.
  After a few seconds, he opened the door.
  "Lily, you in here?" He asked, a normal volume now.

Her bed looked to be empty.

He hurried over to it.

There was a note.

I have taken your precious daughter, Harry Potter. I hope you remember her face, because you won't be getting it back.

Harry yelled, "Ginny! Get up here!"

He heard the pounding of two sets of feet, then his wife and oldest son were both behind him.

  "What is it, Dad?" James asked, looking around the room.

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Lily's been kidnapped."

James looked up at him, his brown eyes instantly filled with tears. "Is she gonna be okay, Dad?"

Harry nodded, even though his chest felt empty. "It's okay. Everything's going to be okay."
Ginny was taking it all very well, if Ron was honest.

She had taken a few weeks off work, and had the entire Auror force working on the search in less than six hours.

Harry on the other hand...

  "Mate, I know you're upset but it'll be fine. We'll find her."

Harry shook his head, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. "Ron, you don't understand."

  "Look, you just have to be strong, right? Like with Voldy."

  "It doesn't matter how strong you are..." Harry said quietly, "When you find a note like that on your daughter's bed, it puts your heart in a blender."

Ron gave him a look of pity. "Harry, I'm sorry they haven't found her yet. I know how close you were. I mean, are. She's still alive. Totally."

  "You have no tact."
  "I know."

Harry sighed. "She's not coming back, is she?"

Ron didn't reply.

Harry bit his lip against his closing throat.

Maybe there just wasn't meant to be a Lily Potter.

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