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ship: ron/hermione

prompt: person A knows person B loves to read so they decide to give them a book with sticky notes every chapter with a compliment. at the end if the book, there's a note that asks person B to marry person A.

setting: flat hermione and ron share

warning: cute as heck

category(?): fluff

words: 365

note: im gonna start updating on fridays. probably wont happen, but lets try?? 😂

Hermione sat in the armchair seated near the window and pulled out the small book Ron had gifted her a week ago. She was on the last chapter, and thought about her boyfriend before starting.
Ron wasn't good with feelings, he could say the worst things sometimes, but he could be so sweet.
For example; a week ago he had presented Hermione with a gift for no reason. "What are you up to, Mister Weasley?" She had asked.

Ron had shrugged. "Nothing, Herm. Just thought you'd appreciate it."

Hermione didn't quite believe him, but decided it didn't really matter.
She quite loved the book, but her favorite part was at the end if each chapter, Ron had stuck sticky notes. Hermione had been surprised he knew what they were, but didn't ask. He seemed awfully distracted lately.
The sticky notes had little compliments written on them that made Hermione blush.

You're bloody brilliant

Your eyes are so shiny at night

I love the way your brow creases when you read

The little snort you have when you laugh really hard? ADORABLE

You make me feel soft, which nibody else can do.

I like when you call me your teddybear

You're one of the best researchers I've ever seen.

I'm glad I met you at school

I like how soft your curls are against my face

Hermione was just about to finish the chapter, and closed her eyes, mentally preparing herself for the last sticky note.

Will you marry me? — Ron (obviously)

Hermione dropped the book with a thud, and sat stunned for several moments before running into the kitchen. "Ron?" She asked.

He looked up from his toast. "Yeah Herm? What's up?"

"I've just finished that book."

Rons eyebrows raised, and he got on one knee. "Well?"

She nodded, tackling him in a kiss. "Yes, oh yes!"

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