Chapter 2

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Alex's jaw dropped.
She couldn't believe it.
Why would grouchy harsh Karter ever take them outside the arena, let alone outside the school gates?
Obviously, the rest of the class was thinking the same thing, because a long silence followed Karter's statement as they all attempted to comprehend it.
Finally, after a few long minutes, Sebastian raised his large hand tentitivly and said,
"Are you feeling alright sir?"
As Karter raised his eyebrows in annoyance, Alex was forced to hold back a giggle at Sebastian's remark.
"What are you going on about? Of course I am feeling alright!" Karter barked, his voice edged with anger that instantly whipped the smile off everyone's face.
"Now," Karter began again,
"To pass this test, you will have to complete a number of combat related tasks before time runs out. All the equipment needed for each task will be provided at the site. You will earn materials that will improve your nights camping while you are gone by completing tasks. You may work together in travel and while camping, but the tasks are to be completed on your own. These tasks are rather difficult, and I don't expect anyone to pass them all."
The class nodded, trying to remember everything Karter had just told them.
"But what about the rest of our classes? Our teachers will be concerned If we don't turn up" Kaiden asked, clearly as unenthusiastic about the coming task as the rest of the class.
"Oh I have talked to all your teachers and you have all been exempt from your classes untill you get back."
Alex nodded.
I really don't want to go... What if we get injured...
Why does it have to be hard?
All these thoughts and more where racing through Alex's mind, and when she looked around it seemed as though the Combat boys where thinking the same things.

"I hope you are ready, because you assessment begins now!" Karter quickly pulled a small glass bubble vial from his pocket and three it on the ground.
Alex watched as it smashed and revealed the portal.
"Don't we even get time to pack?" Alex shouted desperately after stepping away from the broken glass.
" No. Now leave. You have two days to finish. Good luck, you will need it." And with that, Karter shoved the class towards the bubble door, Alex in front.
With a deep breath and a quick glance to her class mates, she extended her leg and stepped through.

Field Trip - A Medoran Chronicles fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя