Chapter 6

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When Alex, Declan and Kaiden finally arrived back to their 'camp' it was to worried faces from the rest of the combat boys, about to begin a search party for their missing companions.
Sebastian, Nick and Brendon where all facing away from the trio, allowing them to sneak up unnoticed.
The chest was starting to weigh down on Alex's arms, despite her Meyarin strength, and she wondered how Karter had managed to haul the heavy box over here in the first place.
So, almost directly behind Brendan, Alex dropped the chest, hoping to scare the boys as much as possible.
As the heavy wooden crate hit the sand, it banged deafeningly on the ground, it's contents clattering and kicking up a considerable amount of sand.
This action had the desired effect, as Brendan yelled and jumped forwards, and the other two boys sharply turned around and held out their fists, ready to attack.
Alex, Kaiden and Declan burst out laughing.
The look on their faces when Sebastian, Brendan and Nick realised that it was only their class mates was priceless.
"You should of seen the looks on your faces!" Declan exclaimed through weezes and laughs.
"Oh haha, very funny. But please don't ever do that again" Nick wined.
"Yeah I could have punched Queenie by accident." Brendan added.
But their worried and adgitated expressions instantly left when they saw the chest and realised what must be inside.
"Is that food?!" Sebastian asked excitedly.
"It better be because I am absolutely starving." Nick said, eying the box hungrily.
"Don't get too excited, there's not much in there" Kaiden said. Alex bent down to open the wooden chest. It creaked at the hinges loudly as it opened. Alex reached down and took out the note from the depths of the chest and read it out the the combat class.
After reading it, she pulled out the small container of rice and the match box sized chunk of flint.
"Karter was kind enough to give us plentiful provisions, I bet they will last us days!Alex said, voice dripping in sarcasm.
"And by days, I'm guessing you mean hours" Brendan corrected, causing some of the boys to snicker.
"Well how about we use what we have to start a fire before it gets too cold and settle down for the night, because I have a feeling that we will need our energy for tomorrow." Declan suggested.

The night air was cold and brutal, stinging Alex's cheeks and turning her lips blue as she huddled in her thin sports jumper and PE leggings around the dim fire. It had taken Kaiden and Sebastian a rather long time to light even the smallest of flames, let alone keep it alight, so now the combat class was stuck sitting around a measly fire barely a foot high and only warm enough to heat their fingers.

The majority of the combat class had already fallen to sleep now despite the harsh cold, and the only people that were left awake were Alex and Kaiden.

As much as Alex hated to admit it, she was scared. It was horribly dark in the forest of coconut trees, and anything could be hiding in their shadows. Or anyone. Alex shivered as she remembered the last time she went on a 'field trip' with her SAS class. The events were rather disastrous. Alex defiantly did not want Aven turning up and causing chaos. Again.

"Alex, are you alright?" Kaiden's concerned voice pierced through Alex's mind, breaking her trance. Kaiden must have noticed the worried expression on Alex's face, or the fact the she was shivering head to toe.

" Yeah, I'm just cold" Alex replied, trying to avoid the topic on which she had just been thinking.

"I can tell." Kaiden stood up and brushed the sand from his pants, before walking over and sitting right next to Alex. "are you sure that's all?"

Alex thought for a moment, considering wether or not to tell him.

"I just don't want another fiasco like the SAS camp." She explained. Kaiden nodded in understanding.

"Well I doubt Aven is stupid enough to try the whole 'destroy the field trip' Idea again. And even if he does, we escaped last time, we can do it again." These words both calmed Alex and made her smile at the same time. Even though she knew that she was very lucky to get out of the last Aven situation last time and was doubtful that she could do it again, Kaiden said it like he knew that things were going to be fine. And, as he put his warm arm around Alex's shoulders, she almost knew it too.

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