Chapter 4

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Alex had never appreciated her ability to breath freely untill now. Even through the coughs and splutters, she gulped down big mouthfuls of delicious air like it was her first ever breath.
She was now in Kaiden's arms as he checked over her to see if she was alright.
The rest of the combat boys had swam over to them, concern all over their faces.

Alex was so so lucky that Kaiden had saved her, and she owed him a massive thankyou.
So, while frantically treading water, she turned to him.
"Thankyou so much for saving me... Again."
" Well thanks for not dying I guess. I had to save you, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I didn't." Kaiden replied, looking slightly scared.
The pair stared at each other for a while, untill Declan decided to clear his throat and kill the moment.
"So, umm.... Are we going to swim to shore?" He asked.
The boys nodded and started to swim away. It was then that Alex remembered something important.
"Um, guys? I can't really swim" she said, an embarrassed blush growing on her face despite the cold.
"Oh." Brendan said, "that would explain why you almost drowned."
"It's alright, I will be right here" Kaiden reassured Alex. She smiled gratefully.
"You just have to kick your legs and move your arms like this"


It took the class hours to get to shore, the sun was setting into the sea, painting the sky beautiful colours. But night was fast approaching and they needed to make camp.

he entire class was aching with exhaustion, and just wanted to collapse and fall asleep, but they soon realised that they had yet to complete any tasks to be rewarded with camping gear. They had nothing.
So, the most energetic of them all set off to look for supplies while the others attempted to start a fire.
Alex just so happened to be one of the ones lucky enough to look for supplies; along with Kaiden and Declan.
Unlike the others, Alex had her Meyarin abilities to strengthen her, but the rest of the group only had their mostly unhelpful gifts.
Even with her attitude clouded from tiredness, Alex couldn't deny that the place they arrived in was beautiful.
It looked like a tropical beach, soft white sand slowly receding into a forest of what looked like large palm trees.
A little to the west of where the combat class had washed up was an extensive mangove, leading far off the shore.
It certainly was a sort of paradise, especially in the setting sun, and it looked straight out of a beautiful postcard.
Unfortunately, this was no time to admire beauty.
Alex had to squint through the darkening air for wood and food instead of gazing out of a cabin window and taking photos of the paradise.

So she, Kaiden and Declan stayed close while they searched around the perimeter of the beach for anything useful to a small group of teenagers camping in the middle of nowhere, trying not to get to far from the rest.
After a while of searching, Declan called out from a few metered ahead of them.
"Guys, come look at this!"
He said excitedly.
Alex's heart leapt, hoping he had found something useful.
Kaiden and Alex jogged up to Declan and squinted at his find.
A large wooden box that looked just like the treasure chests from pirate movies sat hidden under some leaves, the Akarnae crest carved on the lid.
"Is it for us?" Kaiden asked.
"I guess so" Alex said.
"Only one way to find out..."
She stooped down and heaved open the lid to find something that made her jaw drop.

Field Trip - A Medoran Chronicles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now