Chapter 5

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As the chest creaked open, a shining bright green light burst from its depths, blinding Alex with it's rays. She quickly raised her hand to her eyes to block out the light.
"Geez... What is that?" Declan said, turning away from the light.
"I don't know. Are you sure it was for us?" Alex asked. Luckily, the blinding glow was slowly fading, and it just about gone. Alex, Kaiden and Declan turned back to chest, now able to look at it without going blind.
"I'm pretty sure it was for us, seeing as that envelope says 'Epsilon Combat Class' on the front." Kaiden pointed out a white envelope sitting at the top of the chest.
Alex reached down to grab the envelope and said, "well let's read it then"
She peeled back the seal and pulled out a white peice of paper, with a small paragraph of a written message in the middle. Alex read aloud.
"One of the most important parts of combat is stamina. If you tired easily, then your opponent will easily gain the upper hand.
If you somehow managed to swim back to shore and get off your arses to find this, then congratulations. Here are some supplies for the night. Good luck, you will need it."
"Definately sounds like Karter." Kaiden remarked.
"Well let's see what he left us." Declan said. He then reached down into the old chest and pulled out some flint and a small amount of cold cooked rice.
"How charitable." Alex said sarcastically.
"Well let's take it back to the others then." Declan said. He reached down and tried to lift up the chest, his face scrunched up with effort, but it was too heavy.
"Geez what is this made of?" Declan asked, before trying in vain to lift it again.
"Here, let me try." Alex suggested while tapping into her newfound Mayarin abilities. It was becoming almost natural now, almost as easy as breathing.
Now, using her abilities, she could here everything within miles of her as though the night creatures and rustling trees where right next to her.
Picking up the heavy chest was easy with her Meyarin abilities, and it was barley a strain.
"What... But.. how did you do that?" Declan asked in amazement. He didn't know about her Mayarin powers.
Kaiden looked at Alex with an expression that said 'was that your wierd Mayarin stuff?' At this, Alex nodded discreetly, trying to hide the exchange from Declan.
"I may not look it, but I am strong you know" Alex said defenceively to Declan, hoping it would stop any further questions.
"I know Queenie, but.. just wow!" He replied, an expression of awe on his face. Alex rolled her eyes and started walking back to the rest of the combat class.
"Let's just go before the others start looking for us."

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