Chapter 9

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Alex sat on a rock on the shore, watching as the sun glistened on the subtle ocean waves. After the strange robot fights at the beginning of that day, the afternoon had continued on rather regularly.
The combat class had set up and improved their camp by enlarging their meesly fire and setting out sleeping bags. They sat down, talked about what happened to them in their combat task and laughed and joked for hours before settling down to watch the sunset.
Alex was almost completely calm, sitting there in the rock with the combat boys around her watching the sky light up brilliant colours. It was nice how she could be so vunrable but be so happy at the same time.
This was their last night out, and would somehow end up back at Akarnae the next morning, so unless their was to be another task between, then the night should be calm and quite.

Alex had been sure that another of Karter's tests would begin soon, so she wasn't surprised when in the middle of the night, her class mates dissapeared again.
Sitting up, Alex wiped her eyes and groaned, "why now? I was almost asleep!"
Nevertheless, she jumped up into fighting stance and looked around for the coming attack.
But instead of finding a monster or an armoured knight, she saw a box with her initials carved on top.
Alex trudged over and opened the box to see a note sitting on top of a sword, a bow and two daggers.
The note was written in the same red ink as all the other notes.
"Pick your weapon wisely" Alex read aloud.
Instinctively, Alex reached for the sword, but just before grabbing it she stopped to think.
She was best with swords, but if she chose the daggers she would have more control and if she lost one, the other dagger would still be fine.
She could use the bow, but she wasn't very confident with her archery skills, so she picked up the two daggers and stood up.
As soon as the daggers touched her skin, the box suddenly disappeared and the sand thumped beneath her feet.
This was the only warning Alex got before she felt the icy metal of a sword pressed against her neck.
"You have been caught trespassing on our land. Explain yourself or die!" A rough voice from behind her said evily.
Alex took a deep breath, telling herself that this was just another one of Karter's tasks, and she probably could not be fatally wounded. She was still scared though.
So she closed her eyes to activate her Meyarin abilities and jumped from her captor's grip quick as lighting.
Holding up her daggers defenceively, she surveyed the attacker. Or rather attackers.
There where three of them, all armed with maliciously sharp swords and brown cloaks. They where all at least a head taller than her, and probably twice as strong if she didn't use her Meyarin strength.
"Drop your weapons now." The one in the middle barked out. He was likely the leader of the trio.
"Well that's onot going to happen. Maybe you should put down your weapons and let me explain." Alex said bossely. But when none of them obliged, Alex ran Meyarin speed at the leader and slashed his arm. Blood trickled to the sand and he looked up, stunned.
"Yeah. I'm stronger than I look. It's quite helpful in battle, as I'm sure you will find out." Alex was talking big to spare herself time and to intimidate her opponents.
Suddenly, one of the other two cloaked men dived at Alex, attempting to slash her neck. Luckily, Alex's enhanced senses allowed her to twist and block the attack instantly. A swish from behind told her to turn and block the other man's blow, before leading them into a bloody battle.
"Three against one? That's not very fair." Alex mocked as she dodged, jumped and blocked the onslaught of attacks.
The three men where fairly good fighters, and they where gaining on Alex quickly. She earnt herself numerous cuts and scratches from close and risky attacks.
Alex sensed one of the men swinging his sword at her side, so she quickly spun around. As she was spinning though, her foot caught on a slab of drift wood and one of her daggers went flying out of her hand... And straight into the man's chest. He fell to the sand, dead.
It was like the air had been forced violently from her lungs. She didn't care that she the other fighters had faded and she was back with her class in Kaiden's arms. She didn't care that it was all probably an illusion. She didn't care that it was an acident.
All Alex cared about was that she had just stabbed a man... And killed him.

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