Chapter 7

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Something brushed Alex's nose, tickling her and causing her to bolt up right, waiting for the attack. In doing this, she accidently wacked into Kaiden's chin above her.

"ahh!" Kaiden groaned, also having just woken up. Alex had fallen asleep resting on Kaiden's lap, they both had been too cold and tired to move the previous night. Remembering this, Alex blushed and shuffled away quickly.

"Sorry Kaid. I thought I felt something tickle my nose... I probably just imagined it" Alex apologised, but as she looked up, she realised that she wasn't imagining anything at all.

A floating piece of paper hovered above her with a word scrawled across it. Looking closer, She realised that it said 'watch out' in thick red ink. It was Karter's handwriting.

Just as the words processed in Alex's brain, she heard Kaiden shout out frantically "MOVE!"

Heart beating fast, Alex obliged, ducking right towards Kaiden just in time. As soon as She had moved, a flow of cold air announced the arrival of a gleaming, sharp, silver sword.
"Everyone get up!" Alex yelled, alerting the class of what had happened. But just as she blurted out the words, the most peculiar and frightening thing happened.
Kaiden and the other boys slowly started to fade, turning transparent. Alex looked down in panic, to see if she was fading too, but luckily she was as opaque as usual.
Another swing from a sword whistled towards Alex, so she quickly rolled left and out of the way. Eyes wide with fright, Alex looked around as her class mates dissapeared into thin air.
"Come back!" Alex yelled desperately. But they didn't come back. They boys were still gone, to who knows where, and Alex didn't know what to do.
A third swing of a sword singed past her ear, missing her by a hair. Quickly, Alex jumped up and turned to her attacker.
Expecting to see some sort of armoured knight, Alex gasped when she saw that her attacker's skin was replaced by metal. It was a robot.
That was better than a person, Alex thought, because she had no intentions of killing a human being anytime soon. Then again, a robot might be harder to kill, as it could not be injured like a person could. 
But there was no one with her. No one to help if Alex was injured. She had to do this alone.
Thinking of that, Alex recalled something Karter had said before the class left, echoing in the back of her mind.
'You may work together in travel and while camping, but the tasks are to be completed on your own.'
That's probably why they dissapeared! Alex concluded, happy that they were probably safe.
Coming back to her attacker, Alex tuned her Meyarin abilities to assist her. She wanted to use A'enara to help, but she knew that was probably considered cheating. So Alex took a deep breath, lunges forward and grabbed the robot's arm mid strike. The robot faltered, confused by his attack. Alex used this her advantage, and yanked her arm down, pulling the metal knight off balance. She then tugged her arm away, stepped back for balence and swung her leg around to knock it off its feet.
"Owww!" She yepeld as her foot bounced right off the robot's leg, pain ricocheting through her foot. At this, the robot just looked up and swung his sword down again towards Alex's neck. Alex dodged right and leapt forward, trying to grab the gleaming sword. Her hand closed around the hilt, and even with her extra Meyarin strength, she could not yank it free. Knowing it was no use continuing to try and pry the robot's fingers from the sword, she let go, stepped back and swung a well aimed uppercut to her opponent's jaw. Again, the motion sent pain up her arm, whilst doing nothing to the seemingly invincible robot.
Grunting in pain and anger, Alex aimed a roundhouse kick to the robot's knees, only for her leg to be swung back, pushing her to the ground. Her head smashed into the sand, sending starts to dance in Alex's eyes. She tried to push herself up, but she was too dizzy. Quick as lightning, the metal knight stepped forward and swung it's sword down, Alex watching helplessly as it came closer and closer to her head.

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