Chapter 8

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The sword was getting closer and closer, the metal glinting maliciously in the sun light. Alex had to think quickly, she had to get away. But she was paralyzed in fear. Acting on instinct alone, she rolled to the side, away from the coming strike. She had moved just in time, the sword crashed down, scraping against Alex's shoulder. She hissed with pain as blood trickled down her arm and rolled again, further from the robot. The sudden movement had again made her dizzy, but Alex couldn't allow that to distract her again. The robot was now readying it's self to strike again.
Alex ignored the stars in her eyes and her throbbing head to jump up and face the metal knight.
Alex needed time to think of a way to defeat this strange fighting robot, but it was a little hard when it was constantly throwing attacks at her.
Again and again, Alex just managed to halt it's blows, all the while distracted by thinking of a solution.
Luckily, Alex was right next to the shore. If her attacker was indeed a robot, then shouldn't it brake when touching water?
Hoping that this would work, Alex turned and sprinted into the water, trying to lure the robot in too.
She was now knee deep and squinting to stop the salt water from splashing in her eyes.
This should be deep enough, Alex thought. So she turned around to see her attacker begin to run into the water after her.
Alex held her breath.
The robot took one step... Two steps.... Three...
Finally, the water began to seep beneath the metal armour and the robot started to twitch.
Suddenly, sparks flew from the robot's chest as it collapsed into the water. It's only weakness.
As soon as it dissapeared into the ocean, Alex's head spun nauseatingly and her stomach lurched painfully. She closed her eyes in pain as she grasped her cut shoulder.
When she opened them again, she was somehow back on the golden beach again. Looking around, she saw Kainden there too, sitting on the ground with some ripped fabric tied around his shin.
Running up behind him, Alex sat down, causing Kaiden to jump.
"Alex! You are alright, thank God..." He said, worry clear in his eyes.
"Yeah I'm alright... How are you here though, you dissapeared with the others a few minutes ago. I had to fight some sort of robot thing while you where gone." Alex said quickly.
"Hu... That's weird. To me, you and all the others dissapeared and I had to fight a robot too. Maybe it was one of Karter's tasks that he said we would have to complete like yesterday." Kaiden said.
"I hope so. I also hope that the others get back soon." Alex replied. Kaiden nodded.
Alex went to change position, but as she lent on her injured arm it shot pain through her and made her hiss.
"Whoa, Alex, are you alright?" Kaiden asked looking concerned.
Alex rested her arm on her leg and covered the wound with her hand.
"I'm alright... The robot thing just cut me on the arm." Alex said. She realised that there was no point lying about it, she had already reacted and the wound was in plain sight.
"Here let me look at it..." Kaiden said, turning Alex so he could see the cut.
"Just a cut? Alex it's really deep! Your loosing alot of blood... I'm going to wrap it, hang on."
Alex smiled weakly at Kaiden's concern. She was happy that she couldn't see the cut, because she was sure that seeing it would renew her dizziness again.
A ripping sound told Alex that Kaiden was ripping a strip of fabric from the bottom of his top.
"Okay, this might hurt a bit, but I need to tie it tight to stop the blood flow."
Alex nodded and braces herself as Kaiden wrapped the make-shift bandage around her arm.
"Thanks Kaid." Alex said.
Suddenly, Alex heard a thump and a confused "what?" That made her jump. Looking up, Alex saw that Sebastian and Declan had just finished the fight and arrived back at camp.
"What just happened?" Declan asked, looking confused.
"We think it was one of the tasks that Karter was talking about." Kaiden replied.
After a while, the rest of the class began to appear and another massive and excessively heavy box appeared in the middle of the group, containing more rice, bandages and sleeping bags. The note that has come with it said that this was a test of strategic thinking and reaction time.
After everyone had bandaged themselves up and eaten some food, the day continued on almost normally, if not for the fact that everyone was slightly on edge.
Alex's headache had gone, and despite her cut arm, she felt calm, and ready for whatever Karter might throw at them next.

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