Chapter 3

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The first thing Alex felt when she stepped through the bubble door was her stomach lurch horribly and the wind pounding against her ears, deafening her.
She was falling.
She dared to open her eyes for a second and instantly regretted it. The wind was pushing against her so strongly that it hurt her eyes like crazy. She shut them straight away, and the stinging subsided slightly, but it was still there, sharp against her eyelids. In the split second that she did have her eyes open, she did not fail to see a wide expanse of deep blue ocean, coast line barely visible in the distance, getting closer and closer by the second.
Alex screamed, but the sound was carried up behind her to her fellow class mates, who were also falling into the sea. But she still screamed, untill her throat burned and her mouth was dry, because the terror that ripped through her brain erased all rational thinking from her mind.
I can't die! Not now, not when I still have so much life to live, Aven to find and family and friends to say goodbye to.
Calm down.
Alex tried to stop screaming and calm down enough to think of a way out of this before she plummeted to her doom. If she hit the water like this, belly down and sprawled out, the force of the water would be like hitting concrete, and she would surely die.
But what if I change my angle...
That was it! Alex knew that she couldn't go head first, because if the force of hitting the water was still quite strong, she could still perish. But if she fell feet first...
Alex scrambled in the air, spinning her arms around and kicking her legs, trying desperately to change position.
She was running out of time.
Almost there!
And finally, she was safe, falling feet first into the ocean. It would still hurt like hell, but at least she wouldn't die.
Remembering the others somewhere above her, and realising they may not have seen Alex's manovoure, she yelled out at the top of her lungs.
"Change position! Go feet first!" She yelled, so loud it ripped through her lungs. The water was very close now. She put her arms by her side, closed her eyes and crossed her fingers that the others heard her, before she felt the icy water consume her.


All around her.
And cold to the point of numbness.
Her feet tingled with long forgotten pain, and all she knew was that she was sinking.
Down, down, down into the deadly depths of the sea.
And then she remembered.
Alex opened her eyes to the salt water sting and tried to see around her.
She wasn't to deep yet, but she would be soon, and she was fast running out of breath. The under water pressure pushed at her skull, threatening to knock her out of consciousness.
She needs to get to the surface, but her swimming skills where minimal if at all.
Scrambling her arms and legs to try and swim upwards, she saw a dark shape swimming down to her, too murky to be able to decide what it was.
Alex hoped that it was someone coming to help her, and not a creature of doom coming to kill her.
So she pumped her arms legs as hard as possible, inching up agonisingly slow, but the dark shape was swimming fast, and was almost level with her.
If Alex tried really hard, she could faintly see the features on its face.
It's a boy... One of the combat boys!
She does up, kicking as fast as possible, getting closer and closer. Alex could now see almost all the details of the boy's face.
Brown hair, perfect jaw and... blue eyes.
Again, it was Kaiden, coming to her rescue.
It's not that she wasn't thankful for his efforts, because she most definitely was, but she wished that for once she could save herself to prove that she wasn't entirely helpless.
Swimming harder than ever before, she reached out her hands towards Kaiden's fighting against herself to stay conduits as her brain screamed for oxygen.
Almost there!
And finally, Kaiden's hands closed around her own and heaved her up. Trying to help, Alex continued kicking as fast as she could.
They where almost there, she could see the sky about five metres above her.
As soon as Alex's head broke through the surface of the water she heaved in a shaking breath and smiled as sweet sweet air filled her aching lungs.

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