4. Food Fights & Spending The Night

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|Michael's House| 10/2/86|Brooklyn NY
Michael's POV

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked Grecia. The night had been insane with food fights and it was time for a break.

"Yes! Can we watch Poltergeist?" She asked with her eyes wide with excitement.

I chuckled. "Sure." I grabbed the tape and slid it into the vhs. "I'll get popcorn kay?" I said. Silence. "Grecia?" I turned my head towards the kitchen and saw her already with a popcorn packet in hand.
"Sorry." She said putting it down.

I shook my head. "No it's okay you can still make it."

Her frown grew into a smile. "Yay!" She grabbed the packet and put it into the microwave. Then she ran over to me and sat down on the couch.

"Michael I have a question." She said, a serious look in her eyes. "Do you consider me a best friend?"

I swallowed. It took a lot for me to trust people but Grecia, I wanted to hang out with her and if I told her no everything would be gone. She was someone that I really knew I could trust.

"Of course I do." I smiled.

She sighed. "Ok good, that means I can do this."

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion as a huge pie was smashed into my face. "GRECIA ROSSI!" I yelled laughing. I took the pie off my face and grabbed a super soaker from behind the couch. Her face was priceless when she saw it. "This is called, revenge."

I sprayed water at her and she screamed. "Michael!" She scoffed. "You just have super soakers behind your couch?"

She laughed.

"Wait what's that over there?" She pointed to the wall and I looked behind me to see nothing. Suddenly I felt a splash of water hit my back and I saw a broken balloon on the floor. I only had one water balloon in my house at the moment so that was good.

"Ok ok you won," I admitted "Now let's watch the movie."

She pointed to her shirt which was now soaked in water and then to the pie on my face. "You're right we should get cleaned up, you can wear one of my plaid shirts if you want."

She nodded with a smirk and we walked into my bedroom.

"Why the smirk?"


I handed her my blue flannel. I changed in the bathroom and I put on another shirt of mine. Pie had dripped down from my face to my shirt...

When I came back I noticed her pacing, observing the stuff in my room. Her eyes gazed over to my fedoras. She snatched one and put it on her head.

"Hi I'm Michael Jackson!" She said imitating me.

I giggled and started blushing for no reason. "That's not how I sound!"

"Yes it is."

I then tried to get my hat back and chased her around the room. She held the hat up in the air and jumped, hoping I wouldn't get it.
I was taller than her.

Suddenly I grabbed it and she fell back, I tried to catch her and we both stumbled onto the bed, face to face. We made eye contact for what seemed like forever. My cheeks were burning up.

She rolled over and put the hat on my head.

"Ahem.. anyways let's go."
It was awkward for the both of us.

We headed to the living room to finally watch the movie.

"I've been wanting to watch this forever. I hope it's not too terrifying." She said biting her lip nervously.

"That's the fun part." I switched on the movie and Grecia went into the kitchen.

"I hope you like a lot of butter." She poured the butter into the popcorn until it was soaked with butter.

"Oh I do."

I patted the seat next to me and she sat down. I put the popcorn bowl between us and switched the light off.

"WAIT! Blanket." She hopped up and grabbed a fluffy blanket.

She covered me and curled unto the blanket. "Perfect."


My eyes opened to see the credits playing on the tv. I had slept through the entire thing! I looked down to see Grecia's face buried in my chest, she had fallen asleep too. She was smiling in her sleep and it made me giggle.

I didn't want to wake her and take her home but I also didn't know if she was okay with spending the night.

I sat there in total confusion. It was nearly midnight so I decided to just go back to sleep until Grecia woke up.
My eyelids closed and I drifted off to sleep.

A ray of light hit my eyes and I groaned. I stretched and slowly got off the couch, it was nine in the morning.

Grecia was on the couch and she yawned. "Morning." She said.

"I'm sorry I hope I didn't wake you." I said apologetically.

"No you didn't I've been half asleep since eight thirty." She rubbed her eyes.
"Well I've got work tomorrow so I can't stay late but we can watch another movie!"

I laughed and went in the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Also Michael can I have your number? I can call you when I get home."

I blushed. "Oh okay. let me um write it down."

Michael don't be a big baby you're just friends! Friends have each other's numbers! I thought to myself.

I grabbed a sticky note and wrote my number down in sharpie so it would be permanent. I smiled to myself like an idiot and ran over to her in the living room.

"Here's my number." I said and handed it to her.

"Thank you. Now I can call you if I want to hang out sometime." She said folding the paper and sticking it in her shirts pocket.

"You can have my shirt, since we forgot to wash yours last night. Plus you have my number in there."

"Dang Michael you're giving me all of your clothing." She said laughing. "You sure you don't want the coat ba-


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