15. Date Night

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Grecia's house |11/14/86'/
~ Michael

I saw the concern in her eyes. Her cat wiggles was no longer sleeping on the couch. "Don't worry we'll find him." I reassured her.

She quickly sat up and started searching for him. I looked outside. "Wiggles! Where are you kitty?" I called out. A few minutes later grecia came outside with a bowl. "I looked everywhere. If the foods gone I'll know if he's here."

Her eyes looked glossy like she was going to cry. "Come here." I said pulling her towards me. "I know it's stupid, but that cats the only family I have left."

"Grecia you're not stupid. I love animals as much as you do and I understand how scary it is to lose a pet. We'll find him okay? How about that date to get your mind of it? When we come back we'll check"

She nodded. "Thanks Michael."

I motioned towards the street. "I'm going to get ready and then I'll come pick you up okay?"



I hopped out of the shower and blow dried my hair. "Hmm what am I gonna do with this rats nest today?" I whispered to myself. I decided to just tie it up into a fancy updo, leaving two strands of hair to frame my face. I dug through my closet and found a dress that I had bought a few years ago. It was supposed to be for my first date. I had forgot all about it.
It was a long blue dress, that had lace long sleeves. I smiled, this dress was perfect. I tried it on and it fit, thankfully. For my shoes I wore a pair of black heels. I decided to do natural makeup, in case another food fight occurred.

I giggled to myself and waited for Michael to arrive. I found myself admiring him. I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else but him. I.. loved him. The doorbell rang and I immediately ran to open it. When I saw him I gasped, he seemed to have the same reaction. "Michael you look so handsome I-"

"No you look out of this world beautiful Grecia." He interrupted. I looked down shyly. "Stoppp." I said embarrassed. He took my hand and kissed it gently. He was such a gentleman. I blushed.
"Shall we?" He asked. I nodded and took his hand.


He opened the car door for me and I stepped in. He sat down beside me and turned on the radio. Saving all my love by Whitney houston was playing. I knew this was about to be a wonderful night.

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously

"It's a surprise." He smirked. "You and your surprises." I said squeezing his hand.

He pulled up to a fancy restaurant. It had lights all around it and beautiful stone steps. He put his arm around me and we walked into the restaurant.

"How many?"

"Two please." We said at the same time. The waiter led us to a booth in the back of the restaurant. It had an amazing view of all the city lights. I noticed that there were some candles on the table.

"Michael did you arrange this? It's so beautiful."

"I might've done a little something." He said brushing off the fact that everything was so perfect and he did this all for me.

"This is a lot for a real first date, I mean wow, it's even more romantic than the other one we went on."

"Well I wanted to make this one special."

"I thought you said you didn't do dates?" I asked him curiously.

"I do now."


It felt so good knowing she was happy. I would do anything to make her feel loved and special. I stared at her in awe. I realized that I had fallen in love with her.

"What you staring at?" She said chucking.

"Oh I was just admiring your beauty." I said

She waved me off. "Please." She scoffed. "Michael you don't even know how amazing, handsome, and perfect you are. I wish you could see yourself from my eyes."

I blushed. "Yeah id think I'd be pretty good looking." I said jokingly.

She shoved my arm playfully.

Once the food arrived I thought about having another food fight, but I didn't want to stain her dress. I decided to throw a strawberry from my fruit salad at her. She scoffed.

"Michael please have some manners at the table." She said before she threw a grape. It landed on my tux.

I chucked and picked up a blueberry. Her eyes widened. "Michael don't you dare."

I pretended to throw it but it actually flew out of my hand, she dodged it. She was about to throw a banana at me when the waiter walked up. We quickly dropped the food we had in hand awkwardly.

"Are you guys doing okay?"

"cleared my throat. "Yes. The food is great."

When he left Grecia and I exchanged glances and started cracking up. She pointed a finger at me. "You started it!"

"Well you were about to throw a banana at me!"

After dinner I led her outside. Her face shined so beautifully in the light. She turned to face me. "Michael this night has been so perfect, thank you for everything. I hope we can have more nights like these."

"Of course we can." I was about to lean in and kiss her but she interrupted. I got scared that she didn't want to.

"Michael." She paused. "I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I think I'm in love with you."

I smiled and quickly pressed my lips against hers. We had kissed before but this one felt different, stronger. "Grecia,
I love you more."

She smiled, her eyes were starting to water. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I hadn't met you I don't know what I would do. And this date, It feels just like the movies." She said giggling. "Gosh I'm sorry did I ruin the moment?"

I shook my head and laughed.



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