9. Dinner

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|Michael's House| 10/25/86'|
                    Michael's POV

I stood in front of the mirror while adjusting the collar of my tuxedo. I would be taking Grecia to dinner, hence why I decided to dress up super fancy for the occasion. I had my hair in loose curls and a white tux with a matching fedora hat. I sprayed on a little bit of cologne and corrected my posture, double checking that I looked alright.

I checked my watch and realized it was time to get going. I arrived at Grecias apartment and knocked on her door. "Coming!" I heard her say frantically. The door opened and there I saw her, she was wearing a tight black dress with silver sequins, and carrying a matching handbag. Her hair framed her face perfectly, and her wide smile topped it all off.
"You look gorgeous." I said with a smile. She took my hand and we walked towards the car. I opened the passenger door for her and quickly ran around to the other side. "So where are we going?" I paused trying to decide if I should tell her or not. "It's a surprise, you'll just have to wait and see."

We pulled up to the parking lot of an Italian restaurant known to have some of the best food. I wanted to take her someplace nice, and I thought this was the best place to go. "Ready?" I asked her. She replied with a soft smile and nodded.

We entered and were met with the smell of pasta and music was playing. I approached the man at the front and he showed us to our table, which was next to a big window. The sun was still setting and you could see the all of the beautiful colors. City lights were just turning on and it lit up the whole town. "The view from here is so beautiful." She said excitedly, resting her chin on her palm, admiring the lights.
The booth we were sitting at had a light that was dimly lit just enough to see and there was a candle placed onto the table. The aroma smelled of lavender and there were little flower petals circling the candle. I could see the reflection of the lights in her eyes and I grinned.

I turned my head away from the window and looked at the menu in front of me.

"What are you getting?" I glanced over at Grecia who was flipping through the menu. "Hmm, Im probably going to get fettuccine alfredo."

"Maybe I'll get that too."

The waiter walked up to us with a notepad and a pen. "What would you guys like to drink?" He asked.

"I'll have a martini" she said still looking down at the menu. He stared at her for a while before switching his glance over to me.

"I'll have a Belini." I said. He nodded and scribbled onto the paper. "That's a good one." He stood there for a while after, and observed Grecia. "You're not gonna say hi?"

"Wait what." She looked up at him and her eyes widened. "Liam! Hi!" She said giving him a side hug. "It's been too long"

Liam chuckled. "Look who got herself a date."

She hit him on the shoulder playfully and rolled her eyes. "Michael, this is my cousin, Liam."

Liam stuck out his arm and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Michael." She turned to face him and hugged him again. "I cannot believe I ran into you! What are the chances! I thought you were in California?"

"I was but I moved here because it felt more like home. I wanted to tell you but we lost contact." He said with a frown. "So I settled down and got a job."

She got a sticky note from her bag and wrote down her number. "Here call me. I really want to talk about what's been happening." He nodded. "Sure thing." And walked off with our orders.

"I'm happy you two met up again." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "He's the only family I had when I lost my relatives. Liam helped me thrive until I got old enough to get a job, then he moved to Los Angeles."

He came back with our drinks and gave us a basket of breadsticks. Grecia


Liam served us our food and waved us goodbye since he was ending his shift and switching us with another waiter.

We dug into the food and I scavenged the table for breadsticks. I found the basket with the bread and I smiled, lifting out a piece to show grecia. They had made them heart shaped which I thought was really nice for them to do.

After dinner I took Grecia to my house so we could hang out for a bit, then I took her home.

I walked her up to the door since it was pretty late. "Thanks Michael for the dinner date. The food was delicious. I need to learn how to cook."

I giggled. "Yeah we should do it again."

We got really close at one point, but nothing happened. I hugged her goodbye and went home.

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