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So I have known the Turtles for 2 months now and it's so much fun!!!!
Me and Mikey skate board together, I help Donnie with his April Crush problem and in return Donnie helps me study, Leo teaches me new ways to take down Purple Dragons when they try to give me a "special offer" and Ralph I'm his best friend, he likes it that I actually listen to him and we understand each other.

Every other day they would visit sometimes together and sometimes one of them but instead of meeting them in my apartment I meet them at our meet up roof and we laugh and talk with each other while having lots of fun, but today was different. As usual Mikey called and asked "HEY Y/N!!!! WANNA MEET UP???!!!!! I KNOW ILL BEAT YOU AT SKATE BOARD TRICKS THIS TIME!!!!!" he screamed I said "BRING IT ON MIKEY!!!!!" and with that I hung up and started packing my bag as usual I pack an extra pair of close just in case Mikey spray's me with a hose again, Gauze, and my Glaive I then smiled while jumping out of my window onto the fire escape. 


Once I got there I smiled when I saw the guy's but smirked evilly and when I saw some abandoned silly string on the roof, I grabbed it and put my bag down while "collapsing" onto the floor when they heard me "collapse" they all turned in my direction and when their eyes landed on my "hurt" form they ran towards me, Donnie knelt down next to me and asked "Y/N!!! WHAT HAPPENED??!!!" everyone was looking at me a mix of fear/concern on their faces I then started whispering and Donnie brought his ear close to my head trying to listen but I said "I don't feel to well" and I made a puking noise while spraying the silly string on everyone Mikey screamed and jumped up running away while Leo and Ralph fell backwards screaming and Donnie screamed in surprise while jumping up and tripping,

I then burst into laughter and stood up I looked at everyone and they were glaring at me I simply laughed at them in response but their faces were replaced with smirks and I noticed wait where's Mikey I then heard a noise behind me, I then stood up and Mikey had a hose I said "Mikey first think about what your doing do you really wanna spray me with that hose?" he smiled evilly and said "well did you think about what you where doing when you sprayed us with silly string?" I chuckled nervously and said "uhhh yes" he then said "well there's your answer" and I yelled "FOR NARNIA!!!!" and I was sprayed with the hose completely soaking me. 


When Mikey stopped spraying me I went into the store and changed into the extra clothes I brought and got back up on the roof but something seemed off, there was only silence coming from the guys and they all looked like they were thinking I then got annoyed and said "ok boys, what do you wanna ask?" they looked at me confused and Leo was about to say "how did you-" but I cut him off saying "how did I know, well I've known you guys for a while now and you all make weird faces based on your emotions" they just stared at me and I said "now c'mon guys spill" they all looked at Leo and he sighed saying "well...


So right now I'm walking with them to their "lair" and they told me about their friends and father, I was actually surprised that they had a other human friends and didn't tell me till now, but my thoughts were interrupted when we reached a huge area with a couch, and T.V I looked at it in aww till someone tapped my shoulder I looked at them and Ralph said "c'mon you need to meet Sensei" he then grabbed my hand and walked towards these slide open doors.

I looked in and there was a Mutant Rat sitting in the middle with a girl around my age sitting next to him Leo nodded and the girl opened her eyes and gave me a friendly wave and then the Rat said without opening his eyes "my sons is this the person you all have been sneaking off to see" I looked at them and there mouths were wide open and I said "hi, I'm Y/N a friend of your sons" he opened his eyes and looked at me then his sons and said "my sons and daughter please leave so I can speak with Miss Y/N alone"

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