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Me and Ralph have been dating for 3 months now and it's November I walked to my apartment smiling like an idiot bc Mikey and I pranked Leo and Donne but my smiled turned into a gasp bc I saw my apartment it was burning I called Donnie dropped my phone and jumped into my burning apartment searching for Y/D/N.

Donnie's POV.
I was in my lab working on metal head till Y/N called me I smiled and picked up the phone and said "hey Y/N what's up?" but nobody responded I listened closer and heard burning clacks and police sirens I dropped the phone and ran out of my lab yelling "GUY!!!!! Y/N IS IN TROUBLE!!!" everyone instantly grabbed their weapons and we all ran out.


When we got to her apartment it was burning to the ground and we didn't see Y/N any where, Till I called her phone again and we heard her phones ring tone we looked around and saw it laying on the floor and picked it up I turned around and Leo started giving orders he said "Karai us your toxic venom to take out the flame, while April and Ralph- but he was cut short when Ralph was nowhere to be seen.

Ralph's POV.
When I saw her phone I knew she was in there so I jumped through her window and landed on the floor I looked around and started calling "Y/N!!!! Y/N!!!! WERE ARE YOU??!!!" there was no answer just a cough and I saw her laying curled up in a ball coughing like crazy holding something.

I was on the floor protecting Y/D/N from the flames coughing cause of the smoke I heard my name but couldn't respond only coughs came out I heard footsteps coming closer and two strong arms wrapped around me but that's when I passed out.

Karai's POV.
I was about to jump into the apartment till Leo put his hand on my shoulder I hissed at him and he said "Karai Ralph will come out with Y/N, don't worry" he reassured I nodded and as if on queue Ralph jumped out of the building and it blew up, he landed on the roof but fell and dropped Y/N we all huddled around them and Ralph said "hurry Don, check if she's ok" Donnie said "ALREADY ON IT!!!!" and he started checking her pulse, he sat up and said she'll be fine we just need to get her back to the lair so she can rest we nodded and when Ralph was about to pick her up.

But she kicked around and he dropped her, she just laid on the floor curled up Leo said "Ralph what is she holding?" Ralph said "I don't know, but her kicks hurt" Leo said "can someone restrain her?" I turned into my mutant form and held her, while Leo grabbed something she was holding and he looked surprised, I let go of Y/N and looked at the thing in Leo's hands he was holding a baby Rottweiler in his hands April gently grabbed the puppy and said "Karai maybe you should watch it while we watch Y/N ok?" I nodded and we ran back to the lair.


I woke up and saw I was in a room I looked around and noticed almost everyone laying on the floor, I got up and stepped over them all and made my way to the door, when I got out I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and started walking towards the kitchen I was starving, when I walked into the living room Karai was pacing back and forth I said "hey Karai" she said "hey" not really paying attention and then she froze she looked at me and ran towards me engulfing me in a hug I smiled and returned to hug.

She broke the hug and said "never ever scare us like that AGAIN!!!!" I laughed and said "fine" and she hugged me again and said "I was so worried" I asked "why" she said "cause that's what friends do, I got your back" I smiled and said "and ill have your back in the future too" that's when my eyes widened I broke the hug asking "wait where is Y/D/N?" she just pointed towards the couch and as I walked away I said "Karai I think you need some sleep ok?" she nodded and walked to her room.

I picked Y/D/N up and carried her to the kitchen sat her down on the kitchen table and looked in the fridge all I found was some chicken and mostly pizza so I grabbed a bowl and cut the chicken off of the bone then placed it in front of Y/D/N while she happily ate it, I just smiled and watched her about to throw the bone away till I heard a high pitched noise and grabbed the bone I turned around and asked "hey Chompy ya want the bone?" he made another high pitched noise while jumping up and down and I placed the bone in front of him and sat down.

10 minutes later.

I looked up bc I heard a noise I looked out the entrance of the kitchen and everyone was looking around I chuckled but was tackled by Mikey he yelled "GUYS SHE'S RIGHT HERE!!!!!" he layed on the floor hugging me then everyone else started hugging me and trust me when you have 5 mutants and one Alien-human laying on top of you, you cant breath I shouted "HELP I'M BEING ATTACKED BY THE LIGHT GUYS!!!!" they all got up and I breathed in taking a bunch of air and said "YAY!!!! THE AIR GODS SHOWED MERCY ON ME!!!!!" everyone just laughed and hugged me and this time I was able to hug back I slowly got myself free and booped Donnie's nose while yelling "TAG!!!!! EVERYONE RUN DONNIE'S IT!!!!!" and I took off and in the blink of an eye everyone else ran away leaving Donnie trying to process what I just did and it finally clicked and he jumped up and sprinted after us all.


After 15 minutes of tag, 30 minutes of hide and seek and 3 hours of video games April said "later everyone I gotta go home" I smiled and said "later April-" but I was cut short when April started pulling me with her I yelped and asked "were are you taking me?" she said "you don't have an apartment anymore so your staying with me and Shini" I nodded and got up while yelling "LATER EVERYONE!!!!" and me and April walked back to the apartment.


April gave me the extra guest bedroom and extra clothes I smiled and took a shower when I finished I got in bed while turning on the T.V I smiled as I watched F/S and soon enough fell asleep.

Im sorry it was so short plz continue reading to find out more >~<

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