What now

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I woke up in Donnie's lab, I looked around and stood up, I walked around trying to figure out were everyone is, I then heard a noise and hid in the shadows using my black wing to cover me,

I looked around and my wolf ears perked up bc I heard noise coming from the kitchen, I flew onto a pipe on the ceiling and climbed to the kitchen avoiding the door I was now above everyone using my black wing to shield me from being seen, I heard them all talking and looked at a map with blueprints, and at the top of it said ~Shredder Lair~ all in black I gasped but nobody heard me, and I sighed in relief,

but one of my feather's fell down onto the floor I prayed nobody noticed it and froze when Leo then said "Donnie go check on Y/N we are gonna need her help if she wakes up" Donnie nodded and walked away, April then sighed Mikey said "whats wrong dudette?" she sighed again and said "well y/n has been knocked out for 6 weeks now and I wonder when she'll wake up-" and just like on que Donnie came rushing and yelled "GUYS SHE'S NOT IN THERE!!!" everyone's eyes widened and Mikey said "do we have a pet bird?" everyone looked at him confused and Leo asked "wait what?" Mikey said "I said do we have a pet bird, bc this is a bird feather right?" and he held out my feather, Donnie grabbed it and said "this bird feather is to big to belong to a normal bird but-" Leo cut him off "it can belong to a giant mutant bird" everyone and I mean everyone jumped six feet in the air when I said "so...... you guys are gonna fully kill the Shredder this time?" everyone turned around and I was sitting in one of the chairs looking at the blueprints, and without me looking everyone piled on top of me in a hug I made a high pitched squeak when I fell, but hugged back instanly.


Now everyone was geared up ready for the fight, the guys came out of the dojo in all black gear while April came in a jumpsuit, Casey came in with a new steal hockey mask and I came out in my assasin gear (looks like picture above), the guys looked at me dumbfounded I looked at them and asked "what, my Demon side made this" I smiled Leo nodded and we all went into the kitchen.


We were in the woods running towards the Shredders lair, Leo then asked "Donnie how far is the lair?" Donnie spoke "it is approximately one and a half miles from here" we nodded and kept going till we came to an open spot with no tree's so we had to walk I heard Mikey say "dudes this is to easy" but sadly at that moment he stepped on a presherplate and an alarm went off, Me and Donnie immediately threw shurikens at it disabling it, but it was to late a bunch of upgraded footbot's came out of nowhere and we were surrounded, Ralph then yelled at Mikey "YOU JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING!!!!" and we began attacking them, I yelled "DONNIE CANT YOU HACK INTO THE SYSTEM AND SHUT THE BOT'S DOWN!!!!" he said "oops I forgot I could do that" he chuckled while I glared at him with my black eyes, while trying to deflect a katana to the face with my Syth, he instantly found an electric box and turned it off.

When we got into the building we saw a huge figure laying in a medical bed, we all nodded and walked over to it, Leo showed his fingers, 1....2.....3!! we then ripped off the fabric but saw nothing but pillows, I looked around and saw a shadow behind Donnie, I yelled "DUCK!!!" surprisingly everyone ducked and I flew forward knocking the stupid fly down, he tried to spit his dumb acid at me but I jumped off of him and turned into my wolf form back arched and growling.

Everyone was frozen in fear at my terrifying expression while Mikey thought fast and threw retro-mutagen at Baxter, turning him back into a human, Baxter looked at his hand and asked "you turned me back?" Mikey nodded and said "your welcome" Baxter then yelled "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I WAS HAPPY WITH MY FORM!!!!! SURE I WAS GROSS AND ALL BUT I WAS FASTER, SMARTER AND-" Mikey cut him off and punched him in the head knocking him out he said "jeez he didn't even say thank you" Donnie then yelled " DANG IT MIKEY NOW I ONLY HAVE ONE ANTIDOTE FOR THE SHREDDER!!!!" Mikey chuckled nervously and said "whoops" Donnie rolled his eyes and we continued walking up a flight of stairs.

We then found ourselves in a training room, I then heard Bebop say "so, you guys wanna get to the Shredder, well your gonna have to go through us" I heard Ralph growl and pull his Sai out, and him, Casey and April charged not listening to Leo's warning's about there being a trap, but Leo followed not far behind, I looked at the others and we were about to sprint after them but Bebop pushed a button and the floor rumbled and opened up.'

Donnie jumped in trying to catch April, while Leo and Ralph jumped out before the floor opened, I was about to fly in there but Mikey surprisingly said "no dudette look your wings are to big you won't be able to fly back out" I looked at him then the opening, then said "Mikey try and distract Rock steady and make him chase you above the opening and when I yell go, I need you to jump as high as possible into the air got it?" he nodded and I ran and jumped into where April and Casey fell.

I looked around and saw Casey, April and Donnie backing up against the wall, I flew over grabbed Donnie's hand and flew him out plopping him in front of the system, I then yelled "DONNIE!!!! SHUT IT DOWN NOW!!!!" he said "ON IT!!!" and started pushing buttons, I looked into the pit and saw April and Casey up against the wall and Mikey bringing Rocksteady closer, I then yelled "GO!!!!!" he jumped and right before Rocksteady grabbed his foot, I flew in and grabbed Mikey pulling him to the other side as Rocksteady fell in the pit, Mikey shouted "THANKS DUDETTE!!!" I instantly said "your welcome but go help Leo and Ralph" he nodded and jumped onto Bebop.

I flew into the pit and covered Casey and April with my now steal wings like a shield, but I had nothing to protect me, I screamed as the blades started cutting my cheek and felt pain in my back, I then felt something grow out of my back, then suddenly I felt no more blades, I looked around and steal wings were blocking the blades from getting to me I screamed "DONNIE HURRY!!!!" I heard him yell "AND GOT IT!!!!!" that's when the blades stopped, I unshielded April and Casey, after I flew them to were the guys were standing, and April gasped, I asked "WHAT??!!" she said "y-your wings" I looked at my back and I had another pair of wings that look like my normal wings but color switched, Leo came in carrying Ralph and Ralph asked "is it just me or does Y/N have four wings instead of two" I smiled sheepishly and said "four not two Ralph" he looked at everyone as if they had three heads and nodded.

Leo then put him down and said "c'mon team lets go!" we all nodded and followed Leo to the next floor, it had pillows and blankets everywhere, I heard a dark chuckle and my wolf ears turned different ways searching for the source, but Leo then yelled "DUCK!!!" I ducked and Leo deflected a gunshot from hitting me, I looked around then I heard it "squeak" I grabbed one of my throwing daggers and threw it towards Tiger claw, it hit his steal hand and he growled he then said "foolish girl, I WILL HAVE YOUR WINGS!!!!" and he charged at me.

I used my wing as a shield again, and his sword collided with my steal feathers, I was desperately trying to hold him off of me but he was 2 times stronger than me and I was on the floor, but as quick as a flash Ralph and Leo ran into him knocking him over, but as quick as a flash Tiger Claw threw Leo into Ralph and they hit the wall April then tried to use her physic powers to crumble his body but he didn't seem affected and kicked her into Casey and Donnie, he let out a dark chuckle and pushed a button that opened another stupid pit with Tigers in it, I flew to the top and crouched on a wood board while everyone made a run for it but got backed into a corner I growled and needed to time this just right.

Tiger Claw then said "foolish turtles now you will ALL PERISH!!!!" I jumped and spun my wings yelling "YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG FAMILY!!!!" I punch him with my wing, "SO NOW!!!!!" I kicked him in the stomach, "YOU, WILL PERISH!!!" I said the last part and cut off his jetpack with my sharp feathers, and he fell into the pit, as the Tiger finished him off.

I called over the edge looking at them "YOU GUYS OK??!!" they nodded and Donnie said "Y/N HE'S ON THE ROOF!!!" I nodded and flew to the roof, Leo said "grappling hooks" and everyone pulled grappling hooks out and shot them to the roof, Once we all got up there Shredder threw bottles that blew up and created fire causing April and Casey to fall of the building, I screamed and we looked over the edge, only to see April and Casey perfectly fine, I sighed in relief and April yelled "GO!!! FINISH HIM!!!!" we all nodded and I flew to the roof as the grappling hooked onto the roof.

I growled when I saw Shredder, we all nodded and attacked him, I jumped and turned into my wolf form opening my jaws I bit his shoulder blade as Ralph and Leo started trying to cut off his spikes, as he swung me around he knocked Mikey into Donnie, and Donnie flew off the roof I screamed "DONNIE!!!!" accidently letting go and thrown into a wall, I watched as Ralph was thrown into a stair shaft and Leo was punched in the gut then kicked into a fence, Mikey came back into the battle with flaming nun-chucks I growled and lunged at Shredder while he was distracted and got a good grip on the back of his neck he swung me around in an attempt to get me off, while Mikey kept slicing off his spike's, Ralph and Leo also came back into battle as Mikey was thrown off the roof and I screamed and Shredder grabbed my tail ripping me off of him and slamming me into Ralph than the floor with sadly a bone chilling CRACK!! as I screamed in pain, I was thrown off the roof but opposite from where the other guys fell off, I screamed as I fell and I looked down seeing a cliff I was gonna fall off of but instead of falling into the water someone grabbed my foot, I looked up and smiled, Mikey was holding my foot with Donnie holding the end of Mikey's chain.

When me, Donnie and Mikey regrouped with the others I saw April get hit in the head with a rock, and her head was bleeding, I then saw Ralph get thrown off the building, without thinking I jumped and caught him before e hit the floor too hard and started shaking him "RALPH!!! ARE YOU OK??!!!! WAKE UP!!!! RALPH!!!!" he slowly woke up and said "jeez I thought you would just set me down but apparently not", he joked sarcastically "but enough about me ARE YOU OKAY??!!" he practically screamed, I growled as he smirked and I sighed in defeat when he said "oh c'mon you know you love me" as he leaned in and right before the gap between us broke I put a leaf on his lips and said "don't get too cocky" in a playful tone as I stood up, he stood up too and made a pouty face while pulling me close and kissing me, I broke the kiss and grabbed his chin while saying "remember don't get too cocky, Raphael" he smirked and Donnie yelled "GUYS WE GOTTA GO!!! IT'S COMING DOWN!!!!!!"

I looked at Ralph fear shown in my eyes, when I noticed one person wasn't here he noticed too and when we got to safety we watched as the building burned down, I looked up at Ralph, and he pulled me into a hug, but suddenly my ears perked up at the sudden sound of rustling in a bush above the cliff I looked up and growled but stopped when Leo walked out, we cheered when Leo said "The Shredder is finished" we cheered all the way back to the turtles lair.

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