oh no.

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1 month later.


Karai and I were bringing pizza to the guy's lair bc Mikey was complaining and they cant really come on the surface.
We were walking on the rooftops bc it was faster, as we talked I got a feeling we were being watched I looked around and Karai asked "what's wrong Y/N?" I just shook my head and said nothing and continued walking,

but then I heard a dark chuckle and turned around Karai growled and turned into her snake form hissing at who ever was behind us I looked at them and recognized them it was Tiger claw he said "hello cub, it seems you have made a new friend with this human, she will be very helpful" and with that Karai attacked them and "yelled "GO!!!! I opened my contacts and Donnie was at the top I instantly clicked his contact and when he picked up I yelled "DONNIE!!!! ME AND KARAI NEED HELP TIGER CLAW IS FIGHTING HER AND WE ARE SURROUNDED GET HERE!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!" I screamed into the phone, then my phone was kicked away from me and crushed under Fish Face's foot I growled and he chuckled and said "so you are the other ally of the turtles, too bad you wont remember them after we're finished" and with that someone grabbed my foot and threw me at a wall, I groaned in pain and before I could get up I was thrown again and this time instead of a wall someone kicked me in the head and I was knocked out cold.

Donnie's POV.
When Y/N called me I ran into the living room while she was still screaming and everyone ran in concern looks on there faces I yelled "GUYS Y/N AND KARAI HAVE BEEN CAPTURED!!!!! WE NEED TO GO!!!!" and when everyone was done suiting up I saw Splinter walk out and he said "your gonna need my help, I can feel it" Leo nodded and we ran to the Shredder's Lair.


When we got there we snuck in and saw Karai dangling in a cage, in her mutant form, above mutagen they were talking about something but none of us could hear what so we tried to get closer.

I woke up and my leg was chained to some weird looking pole, I stood up and tried to run but when the chain straitened I was electrocuted I screamed in pain and foot robot's surrounded me I stood up in a fighting stance and growled but I stopped when a mutant covered in armor started walking towards me I growled when it clicked to me who he was it was Oroku Saki, he walked closer to me and I threw a punch and tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg and threw me into the pole with a bone chilling CRACK!!! I bit my tounge holding in the scream and he nodded and looked at the bug, the bug then flew towards me and Bradford held me still as the bug stuck a gun thing in my neck and when he pulled the trigger it felt like a shot went into my neck and they let me go Oroku Saki then said "pathetic, I will make sure I dispose of you when the turtles get here" I growled at him and popped my shoulder into place.

I then started looking around for any weak spots but my thoughts were interrupted when Tiger Claw said "their here I can smell the rat" and he shot a fire ball towards the ceiling showing Master Splinter he jumped down and so did Leo, Ralph, Donnie, and Mikey I smiled but that faded when Oroku Saki said "you may rescue your little friends if you can" and then a bunch of footbot's swarmed the area Karai hissed at them as they started fighting the footbot's they were winning till one by one they got trapped I yelled "NO!!!" as Splinter was tied up then I saw Ralph's Sai wasn't to far away I grabbed it and broke the chain holding me I then saw Leo cut a chain and climb up onto Karai's cage and Karai turned into her human form and said "Leo the lock!!!" he nodded while I climbed a ladder up and hid on a sledge part, Leo got the door open but Oroku Saki jumped onto the cage and broke the chain I yelled "NO!!!" and jumped off the sledge over the mutagen and I kicked Karai's cage out of the way, as her cage hit the side and fell off landing on the floor.

It was all in slow motion I watched as I slowly fell down towards the mutagen I looked around and saw my family screaming as the mutagen grew closer and closer and when I was engulfed in the liquid all I heard were screaming and my name being called "Y/N!!!!! y/n!!!!! Y/N!!!! y/n!!!!!!!" and it became more faint as the liquid engulfed me, my body then felt more pain then I've ever felt before and I heard banging on the glass I swam towards it ignoring the pain and saw Ralph he was screaming and crying at the same time I put my hand on the glass and so did he as I pushed off of it so he didn't have to see me in pain as I felt my bones crack and my body reform into something new.

When I felt no more pain, I felt the mutagen draining and fell with it, I hit a floor that bounced me up and down while something soft covered me, then the platform I was on bounced indicating someone was on it, but I didn't move, I didn't try ,it just hurt to much, right now, but then my mind started to hurt as someone started yelling "Y/N!!!! y/n!!!! Y/N!!!! y/n!!!!" as it faded I felt a pain in my neck and then I opened my eyes hearing someone gasp, I looked around it was blurry but I saw a figure and I fluttered my eyes trying to get rid of the black dots and I saw Ralph he was talking he said "no, y/n why did you do this to yourself, I should have helped, I s-should h-have" he pulled me close and hugged me then Karai jumped on and asked "y/n why would you-?" I cut her off and said " well someone really close to me once said that's what friends are for, I got your back" she smiled but had tears in her eyes I smiled weakly and we heard a voice behind them Tiger Claw said "Shredder!!!! Baxter pushed the button we need to get the cub!!!!"

I felt pain in my head and screeched an animalistic screech while floating I looked around and I had wings one was black with white spots and the other was white with black spots and I felt my head I had ears and it felt like a wolves ears but I ignored what I look like, I was still screaming as the pain grew stronger and I fell, but landed in strong arms, I opened my eyes and saw a HUMANIOD TURTLE!!!! I brought my knee up and hit him in the head, while standing up I opened my wings and flew out of a window.

Ralph's POV.
When Y/N opened her eyes I gasped at them she had completely black eyes like I mean her eyes were fully black no pupils just black, I then took in her feature's she had one white wing with black spots and one black wing with white spots and she had wolf ears on top of her head I cried wishing I could have done something wishing I could have helped her and when Karai jumped on and asked "y/n why would you-?" Y/N cut her off and said "well someone very close to me once said that's what friends are for I got your back" she smiled but had tears in her eyes just like me Y/N smiled weakly at us and we heard Tiger Claw yelled "Shredder!!!! Baxter pushed the button we need to get the cub!!!!" she then all of a sudden let out a scream I couldn't describe bc I was covering my ears and I no longer felt her warm body laying on me anymore she was flying, but then she fell and I jumped up and caught her, she opened her eyes and kneed me in the head and she jumped up as she stood there she opened her wings and flew out I got up and yelled "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??!!!" The Mutated Shredder started walking towards me and saying "you don't even know turtle, Baxter erased her mind and know she belongs to me!!!!" and he grabbed me and threw me into the wall as a fire started and everyone was trying to get out I stood up and Leo ran to me grabbed my arm and yelled RALPH WE NEED TO GO!!!!! I yelled "NO NOT WITHOUT Y/N!!!!!" he grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes saying "Ralph we'll find her but we need to get out of here before it all comes down on us.

I looked at the window she left out of and back at Leo and nodded as we ran out of the lab, we met everyone outside I just looked off into the distance and said "don't worry Y/N we'll find you and get your memory back..... I promise

4.1 pages 1627 words

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