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(I liked the episode mutant apocalypse so I will be making the ending chapters about the mutant apocalypse I'm sorry, but I only have like 3 chapters left and its over... BUT!! I might make a sequel about your CHILDREN yep you read me I'm gonna make a sequel about mutant hybrid children so give me ideas in the comments about it.... BOOYAKASHA!!!

I woke up the next day to everyone screaming, I looked around and everyone was rushing around and I stood up I walked over to Leo and asked " Leo, what's happening?" he stopped and said "Donnie found out that the kraang are going to drop a mutagen bomb tonight at midnight, I gasped and Leo said "we need to get in there and stop it before the
earth is mutated.

I nodded and ran to get my assassin outfit on, when I got back out everyone was huddled around blueprints in their elemental gear, I walked over and Leo read us the plans, and when he finished he asked "ok, ready team?!" everyone nodded and we ran out the entrance.


When we made it to the tecnodrome we saw a huge orb thing with green and blue lights coming out of it and as we ran I got a closer look and saw they weren't lights it was mutagen, we climbed onto the building and hid in the shadows, I looked around and saw, kraang droids putting some weird looking plate thing on the floor, Donnie whispered "guys, that is were the bomb is gonna hit we need to disable it" we all nodded and Leo pointed to me and Ralph then the kraang droids, I nodded, then Ralph and I jumped out of the shadows while taking the two droids out.


I looked at Ralph in the eyes and he grabbed my hand I smiled, as we then let go and we charged at the incoming kraang droids, while I flew into the air and sliced 3 kraangs with my metal wings, I then kicked a kraang in the chest and pulled my syth out, I then started stabbing every single one of them, and looked down.

I gasped as I saw April and Shini on the floor Ralph being piled on and Karai and Casey being backed into a corner, I growled and flew down full speed and covered my self with my four wings when I hit the ground landing on six kraang droids, I quickly got up and started spinning while let my metal wings slice through them, and when I stopped I looked around and pulled my Syth out, I jumped and morphed into my wolf while biting and throwing a kraang arm off the building.

I turned around and saw Karai and Casey fighting again, and Ralph having trouble getting up, I ran over to him and tackled the droids on top of him, and ripping out all of their brains, I turned around and saw Ralph standing again, but then I saw a kraang droid about to shoot him, I instantly flew into the air front flipped and landed on the kraang, he smiled and said "nice moves" I flew into the air and yelled "WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITHOUT ME" and and flew off taking the flying kraang out.


We have been fighting for 30 minutes now and I'm getting tired, and to make it worse there are more kraang droids coming, I scream "DONNIE!!!! APRIL!!!" when I saw April get knocked down and Donnie kicked away from the computer, but while I was distracted I was shot, and my arm was bleeding badly, I screamed in pain as I fell getting closer to the roof,
and when I was about to hit it, I felt two strong arms wrap around me and looked up, I saw Ralph carrying me while dodging bullets.

I looked around, I saw Leo protecting Shini, Karai, and Casey bc they were knocked out, and his katana's were shot out of his hands, I then saw him getting closer without moving but it was Ralph he was sprinting towards them, I touched his shoulder and he looked down, I nodded and he let me up, after he let me down he said "y/n help Donnie ill help Leo" I nodded and flew towards Donnie.

I was running while fireman carrying Donnie, and when I got to Ralph and the others I sat Donnie down next to them and ran in front of Ralph while spreading my wings open, turning them into metal, as the bullets deflected off my wings everyone started waking up and Shini yelled "GUYS WE MUST RETREAT!!!" I looked around at everyone, was standing again, I looked at Leo and he nodded, I said "if we do the earth will get mutated" everyone looked at each other, then at me and Leo said "c'mon team if we have to go out, LETS AT LEAST GO OUT WITH A BOOM!!!" everyone nodded then I felt a pain in my head, and as I fell all I could hear was everyone screaming my name, then I blacked out.


I woke up to nothing, just silence, I looked around and I was in some sort of dessert but it felt familiar somehow, I stood up and walked around while turning into my wolf form, I sniffed the air and it smelled like New York but it didn't look like New York, till I smelt something really familiar I ran towards the sent, and stopped to a pile of sand and started digging and I screeched in happiness when I finished, it was Karai but she was with another girl I didnt recignize this girl had blue hair with holes in it, completely black king with holes in it, a ripped apart dress, and she had blur bug like wings with holes in it aswell.I stared at her for what felt like hours till I remembered, I needed to help them, I quickly looked around and remembered I had wings, I quickly turned back to normal and threw them on my wings, and started walking I looked around and followed the sent to Aprils old apartment, I saw it was still standing but was really unstable so I put Karai and the girl down, and flew in.

I looked around till I heard movement and my head flew that way, I analyzed the apartment until I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and my head flew that way, I gasped at what I saw, I saw y/d/n, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her, and after hugging her and grabbing supplies as in food and lots of water I started to walk out with her following me.

When I got out of the building, I saw Karai stirring in her sleep, I looked around and smelt something it smelt weird and reptilian but it wasnt one of the guys, I looked around, and saw a jeep, it looked a little in tact so I walked over to it and opened the front to see the engine, it was still good.

So, I grabbed Karai and sat her down in the pasengers seat, and then the other girl in the back seat while y/d/n laid next to her, I loaded the trunk with the supplies I grabbed and sat in the front seat, I started looking around for the blue and red wires to hot wire it but when I bent down, I mentaly screamed in joy, the keys were right there on the floor, I grabbed them and wwalked around to check the tires and smiled again in happiness, there was 4 tanks of gas.


Now I was on the road and driving, Karai woke up after I started the car, and the girl in the back is weird so I asked "hey Karai?" she said "yea?" I asked "who is the girl in the back?" Karai sighed "you know how when we last saw the turtles?" I nodded she said "well after you were knocked out the mutagen bomb went off and we were seperated, I was pushed out of the way when a mutagen wave came and Shini was mutated into that" she gestured to the girl in the back, I looked at at Shini and then my eyes returned to the road.

A long silence passed and Karai asked "y/n? why do you keep your hair over your eyes?" I looked at her and then the road "my eyes are just different remember" she looked at me as if Ihad 3 heads, and said "your black eyes arent bad, you know what they remind me of?" I looked at her "what?" she said "they remind me of the galxy, I black obis with stars that show greatness" I smiled and put my hair back so people can see my eyes and pulled over.

She looked at me confused and I said "we can camp here tonight" she nodded and we set up a camp site, I smiled when I laid in the sleeping bag when I looked at the stars, I just wondered "dont worry Ralph someday we will be together again..... someday.

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