Angel of Darkness

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It has been five years since the mutagen apocalypse, I fly off at night either searching for the green land or helping mutants that need water or food, I have been helping one certain mutant her name is Mira the last meracat mutant, I often see her traveling looking for the green land as well but she never sees me, people have noticed my sad howling at night but can only hear it when I'm gonna visit them, they call me different names but I don't care, Me, Karai and Shini usually camp out in caves and avoid other mutants, Shini can shape-shift so she goes into bases and gets water, while I naturally get the food and Karai either comes with me or keeps a look out with y/d/n.

y/d/n was mutated when the bomb went off and now she's a huge Rottweiler she comes with me and Karai, when we leave the camp and she's Karai's ride bc I can fly but if Karai stays then she stays.

But, tonight I was looking around for the green land or Mira, she is naturally alone so I have her scent, and I followed it and saw Mira, I smiled and sat on a rock watching over her.

It has been approximately, five years since the mutation of earth, my form was destroyed but my conscious was transported into a robot form, it isn't that bad bc I don't need water or food, but Ralph on the other hand needs it, he wasn't mutated so not much changed about him, he's just as grouchy as he used to be, but he is very sensitive about our brothers, he lost his memory when the bomb went off and he needs to see something familiar to remember things.

We befriended a young girl named Mira she has the map to the green land so we are protecting her, from revengers who want the map, the mutagen apocalypse, destroyed the world, nothing in the world is left except this dessert, no more humans are left, only mutants...

My train of thoughts were cut off when Ralph snapped his fingers in front of my face, I looked at him and asked "what is it?" he said "Mira got the fire wood and I wanna know these legends she keeps speaking of" I nodded and we looked at Mira she said "so the person we are looking for is called the Chupacobra, he made the map, and is the only person who can translate it" Ralph nodded "so, we need to find Mikey?" she nodded and I asked "hey Mira?" she said "yes?" I asked "how did you survive the dessert with nothing no vehicle, no water and no food nothing except walking how did you survive?" she looked at me and sighed then said "there is a legend, she takes the form of a human with wolf ears, and four wings two of her wings are black with white spots and the other two are white with black spots, she helps me brings me food, water and she gave me the whip, mutants call her many names some call her a Demon, others call her, an Angel and most call her The Double Sided, who ever can hear her howling, is the next person she will bring water or food to.

After Mira finished her description Ralph looked liked he was somewhere else and looked around, I put my hand on his shoulder and asked "you ok Ralph?" he said "yeah I'm good just thought I heard something" I nodded and turned to Mira but she was fast asleep, I got up and said "well good night Ralph, I'm going to bed" he nodded and I walked into the shellrazer, but instead of going to bed I looked at a picture on the wall and asked "so, y/n still out there?" and laid down shutting down for the night

I watched Mira start talking to a robot and I huge turtle and I turned into a wolf, I got a little closer and recognized the turtles voice it sounded a lot like Ralph, I smiled and started howling but only so the turtle could here and when Mire and the Robot went to bed leaving the turtle, alone I smiled when he fell asleep and pulled a water bottle out of my bag.


I flew down there and placed a water bottler by Mira then walked over to the turtle, he was Ralph, I smiled but that faded when I got tired and walked under the car to sleep.


I woke up to the engine roaring and the car speeding away, I stood up and flew back to my camp site, I got into the cave, Karai and Shini were sitting by a fire, I smiled and said "guys maybe we should keep moving" Karai nodded and Shini got up, they got into the jeep and I hopped on y/d/n and we left.


It has been 3 days since I saw Mira and we are following her scent, I was looking around and stopped, they stopped too and looked at me confused Karai asked "what's wrongs y/n?" I looked at her and said "cloak the jeep" she nodded and Shini parked the jeep while cloaking it, they walked up to me and crouched behind the bolder I was hiding behind Karai asked "what's wrong" I pointed over the boulder and they looked they saw A huge red turtle tat had a weird hobo lizard on sitting on it, and Mira with her new friends Karai said "ok y/n take on the giant turtle, Shini you got the hobo, y/d/n is against the huge turtle and ill take on the robot and girl got it?" we nodded and Karai and Shini jumped out and started attacking there targets.

I called y/d/n and yelled "GO GET 'EM GIRL!!!" she growled and charged at the turtle, I then saw the Ralph aiming to shot karai and flew at him knocking his gun out of his hand, I turned around and growled, he frowned and pulled his sai's out while I pulled my syth out.

I charged and swung my syth at him but he dodged and kicked me in the hip, I growled and opened my wings up spinning so the blades try and cut him he dodge then I tripped him and held him down, I looked back and saw Karai tied Mira up with her own whip I gave her, and had her tail wrapped around the robot, I looked around and saw Shini tied the hobo up with her chain and y/d/n was watching the turtle try to get off its back.

I looked down and leaned down to see if it was really Ralph, he growled and flipped us over, his legs were on my wings and his Sai had my wrist trapped in the opening, and his other hand was choking me, I just stared at him, and Mira yelled "RAPHEAL!!! SHE'S PLAYING WITH YOU DONT FIGHT HER!!!" he looked at her then me and growled.

I looked at him and tried to speak "Ra...." he looked at me confused and put his ear closer "R-Rapheal H-Hamoto" he froze and looked at me and in his eyes I saw it he was having flashbacks, while letting my hand go and moving my hair from my eyes, he saw my eyes and gasped, I took this opportunity and used my wings to wriggle and kicked him off of me.

I stood up and stared at him, he stood up quickly and grabbed his gun while walking backwards he said "Y/N!!! IT'S ME RALPH!!!! I FORGOT THERE SOMETHIN' WRONG WITH MA BRAIN!!!! I LOST MY MEMORY!! I REMEBER NOW!!!" I looked at him and kept walking, he stopped when he hit a wall as I kept walking, and when I was right in front of him, he looked at me wide-eyed, then I jumped forward and hugged him, with tears in my eyes.

He looked at me then everyone else but hugged back as I cried, I said "I-I thought i'd never se-e y-you ag-gain" he hugged me and said "don't worry I'm here now".


After everyone hugged and said their first hello in five years we were sitting around a campfire catching up, I turn to Mira and she asks "Miss Angel why did you help me?" I looked at her and said "'don't call me Angel, Demon or double sided, just call me y/n and there is no need to say miss, and as well for you question I helped you bc I could sense greatness in you" I said simply with a smile.

She nodded with a smile, as I stood up and walked away, I walked up onto a small hill and sat down watching them as they talked and played games like rock, paper, scissors and tic, tac, toe I smiled at how Shini and Karai were laughing with them, but jumped six feet in the air when someone touched my shoulder.

I whipped my head around and saw Ralph standing there, he chuckled and I playfully punched his arm, I sat back down he did too and he asked "why aren't you down there?" I looked at him and said "I was gonna ask the same for you" he chuckled and I looked at him smiling, looked at me and asked "what?" I laughed a little and said "it's just really nice to be here with everyone, with you again" I said smiling and looking at the stars, I saw in the corner of my eyes his hand was inching closer to mine and it covered mine completely.

I smiled and looked at him saying "aww your still the soft Ralph I remember" he growled and said "JUST COME 'ER!!" and he pulled me into a kiss, I instantly kissed back and soon enough I fell asleep in his lap in wolf form, but before I fell asleep I heard him say "your my Angel of darkness"

Sing Me to sleepHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin