Hello again

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Leo's POV.
Ever since Y/N got mutated and left 1 month and a half ago nobody can have a good night sleep I keep hearing crying coming from other rooms mainly Ralph's and sometimes even coming from my room, but I needed to stay strong and not give up hope, sometimes on patrol we would get lucky and see her either flying at night or hear howling but we never saw where the howling was coming from and we never made any physical contact with her.


I yelled "C'MON GUYS PATROL!!!!!" everyone made there ways towards the entrance ready I smiled and we ran out.


As we ran across rooftop's we stopped and I said "KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR ANY SIGHNS OF DANGER OR Y/N OK?!"
everyone nodded and kept a lookout.

Ralph's POV.
I kept on looking around till I heard it "rooooooo........ roooooo" I looked around trying to pinpoint the sound but saw nothing I then stood up and Leo said "guys let's split up Donnie take west, Mikey East, Ralph South and I'll take North meet back here in 2 hours" and with that we all ran off in our directions (15 minutes later) I haven't heard anything so that's good, I got bored so I sat down till I heard it again "rooooooooooooooooo!!!!!........ rooooooo!!!!!" I looked around hoping to at least catch a glimpse of Y/N till my eyes landed on it, there not to far away from me was a wolf but it didn't seem like a normal wolf it was fully black and had a wolf figure but underneath it's stomach was decapitated and it had black wings with orange glowing eyes.

I snapped out of my trance when I noticed it was staring at me and stopped howling I just stared at it and slowly and carefully started making my way towards it, it just sat there still and when I was only a few feet away from it, it took off in a different direction I yelled "WAIT!!!!'' and chased after it, (15 minutes later) I started to slow down and came to a stop, I then sat down and started breathing hard, while tucking my head in my knees I then heard someone say in a familiar voice "tag" I looked up and saw the wolf sitting in front of me.

I looked at the wolf and asked "what did you just say?" the wolf looked at me while tilting its head and said "tag, your it you've been chasing me" I felt tears in the corners of my eyes and reached my hand out only to have the wolf growl and I pulled it back and said "can we continue our game tomorrow?" the wolf nodded and I heard foot step's and saw Leo and the guys standing not far from me, I quickely looked around but it was nowhere to be found and I was back at the meet up point I checked my T-phone and it was 6 in the morning "wait what I was chasing that wolf thing for 2 hours it only felt like 15 minutes" I then heard Leo call me I stood up wiped away the tear I had, and walked over to them.


Later on I told the guys about what happened and we thought of a plan to get Y/N's memory back, now we just went over the plan again and Leo said "ok guys we all need lots of sleep we are gonna need a lot of energy tomorrow"

But that night I couldn't sleep just the thought of getting Y/N back wouldn't leave my mind but I heard something it sounded like a growl and a whimper at the same time I turned over in my bed and looked at my room I saw nothing but I caught something out of the corner of my eye a tiny bit of glow I turned my head fully towards it and looked at it in shock.

There sitting in corner of my room was the wolf I looked at it and it had liquid in the corner of it's eyes then my eyes widened it was crying but it looked mad I asked "what's wrong?" the wolf said "are you really gonna cheat in the game?"
I looked at it confused and said "wait what,? cheat at what?" the wolf sat there eyes dry now and it looked intimidating when it said "your gonna cheat by making me run into a net" I froze and said "no we wont I promise, ok" and I slowly got off of my bed and made my way over to it.

It growled and I stopped and walked slower when I was right in front of it I stuck my hand out again and slowly tried to touch it's head it hesitated but slowly lifted it's head and let me pet it I slowly started petting it gently and it made it's way into my lap, I smiled at how it was curled up on my lap and asked "what's your name, little guy?" it looked up at me and said "my name is Milo and I'm not a boy" I nodded and continued to pet her, she only looked at me one more time and said "what your name?" I said "I'm Raphael but everyone calls me Ralph" she nodded and said "I trust you Raphael" and she closed her eyes sleeping, and soon enough I fell asleep too.


I woke up the next morning and my back hurt really badly and I noticed I was on the floor I looked around processing why I was on the floor till it clicked I looked around frantically till I new she was gone I sighed and heard a knock on my door I looked at the door then said "come in" and Mikey opened the door and when he saw me he smiled and said "yo Ralph we need to get ready for patrol in 2 minutes" I nodded and Mikey closed the door


Once we were running on the rooftop's they let me walk alone and followed close behind as I walked I heard it again "roooooooooooo!!!!...... rooooooooo!!!!!!" I sat down and closed my eyes and when I felt something brush against my leg I opened my eyes and saw Milo sitting in front of me, smiled and she poked me with her nose and whispered "tag" she then got up and ran away I quickly chased after her and actually this time I caught up to her and tapped her while saying "tag!!" and running towards the trap she followed after me and I sped up I made sure I jumped over the trap and when I heard a CLANG!!!! I looked back and saw Milo trapped in a blanket squirming around, Leo then said "good job team let's go!!!!" and Mikey carried towards the lair.


Once we got there we blocked all the exits off and let her free in the dojo she jumped out of the blanket and turned around wings open wide teeth showing claws bared back arched and fur sticking up she then said in a deep voice "you didn't play the game fair" everyone looked at her with mainly fear in their eyes, she then jumped forward and knocked Mikey over by jumping off of his chest and doing a backflip landing on Donnie,

Leo then tried to stab her but her wings some how turned into steal and she deflected his shots and cut his arm while running jumping off the wall and landing on him only me, Karai and April were left.

April tried to use her magic and stop Milo from attacking us but it didn't work on her and Milo ran forward and jumped onto April while looking her in the eyes and April fell asleep Karai turned into her mutant form and she tried to bite her but Milo was fast and bit Karai's tail while swinging her into the wall.

She then looked at me Anger in her eye's I then remembered last night she was calm when I became calm so I sat down and put my hand out I waited and waited for maybe 2 minutes and I felt something soft touch my hand I looked at what my hand was touching and Milo was brushing her head against my hand I smiled and started petting her and just like last night she laid in my lap and fell asleep.

While she was sleeping Master Splinter came out and said "well my son turns out y/n likes you either way, even if she's forgotten you, she still has a bond with you, you better protect her" I nodded and said "Hai Sensei" while still petting her.

Not long after everyone woke up and saw she was sleeping and Mikey said "awww!!!! she's so cute!!!!" I whispered "WAIT MIKEY DONT WHAT IF SHE-" he cut me off by poking her nose, her eyes snapped open and she yelled "MIKEY!!!!!!!!" and she started chasing him around everyone just laughed and Donnie froze while asking "wait a minute did she just say Mi-" he was cut off bc Milo jumped on him yelling "KOALA!!!!" and tackled him, he let out a girly scream and hit the floor with Milo on top of him she said "HEY DONNIE!!!!! I REMEMBER YOU!!!!! YOUR A DORK!!!!!" he rubbed his head and said sarcastically "jee thanks Y/N for the comment" she got off and looked at him confused and asked "who's Y/N?" everyone froze and Leo said "you your name is Y/N" she looked at everyone as if they all had 3 heads and said "wait so my name is Y/N?" everyone nodded and she yelled I'M Y/N!!!!!! she turned into her mutant self and tackled everyone onto the floor in a hug, it was easy bc of her wings as everyone hugged back.


It has been 2 months Since I've been mutated and I know how to control my powers really easily and I train with the guys so I can go on missions with them I have so much fun with them and it feels good to be in my family again.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped my shoulder I looked up and saw Leo he looked towards the hall then at me I nodded and followed him, and when we got into the hall I asked "what's up Leo?" he rubbed his neck nervously and said "well...... I know your really great friends with Karai and stuff..... so I was wondering if you could...... I don't know maybe........" chuckled and said "don't worry Leo I got this, here, I made a necklace with two blue hearts on it appear and said "give this to Karai and if it turns pink go for it, ok?" he nodded and I walked to Karai and said "hey Karai Leo's got something to tell you, he's in the hallway" she smiled and walked to the hallway, while I waited.

2 minutes later.

Ok 2 minutes have passed and nobody came out of the hallway yet so I did a little snooping and peeked around the corner and I smiled, Leo finely confessed to Karai and like I thought she liked him back I smiled and I felt arms wrap around my waist I turned around and saw Ralph I smiled and hugged him he whisper/asked "what are you looking at?" I smiled and whispered "just take a peek but don't let them see you" he looked around the corner and his eyes widened and he asked "let me guess you helped him didn't you?" he said with a smirk I smiled and said "only a little" he smiled and said "there's my little Devil" I smiled at the nickname he gave me and we kissed happily.


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