I Don't Want to

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I put my ear up to the door, copying Bea, listening to everything they're saying.

(S is Sam, J is Jay)

S: What's wrong?
J: *crying slows down* I don't want to.
S: What do you not want to do?
J: I-I-I can't explain.
S: At least try.
J: I don't want to be...
S: Be what?
J: I don't want to be a half beast...
S: Oh Jay-
J: I want to go home, where ever that is. I want to be human. I want to be normal. I want this all to be a dream and eventually, I'll wake up and I'll have my old life back.
S: ... Jay, why would you want to be human? You're part fox for goodness sake. Do know how cool that is?
J: You don't understand.
S: Then help me.
J: Ask the Taylor, she'll explain.

Sam walks out of the room.
"Where's Taylor?" He asks
"In her room." Bea answers
"Thanks." He says in a hurry
"We gonna follow?" I ask, again, knowing the answer
We follow Sam down the hall to Taylor's room.
"What's today?" He asks her
"Um, Thursday?" She answers confused
"Why does Jay not like today?" Sam asks sternly. Taylor stares off into space, thinking. She sniffs.
"Taylor?" Sam says waving his hand in front
"Um," She hesitates, "It's... Hunt Day." She says eventually
Oh my god, I forgot.
"What's that?" Sam asks, Taylor starts to tear up
"It's- It's..." She starts, "Can you ask Sammy?" She asks, voice shaking. I turn to Bea to say something but all I see is her running down the hall into her room.
"What's Hunt Day?" Sam asks coming out of Taylor's room
"It's a day where 'Beast Hunters' track down and take beasts and half beasts." I explain
"Oh... oh," Sam searches for words, "I'm sorry..." He says quietly
"Don't apologize, you didn't do anything." I tell him, "Go talk to Jay, he really likes you, and I can tell you like him."
"Thank you." He says hugging me
I walk down the hall to Bea's room an knock.
"Go away Sammy." She says sternly
"No." I reply, "I'm not going anywhere."
"Well, my door is locked so you'll just be standing there." She says coldly
"Please, tell me what's going on." I plead
"I-I, no." She says crying
"At least let me in." I plead again
"Fine." She says, I hear her unlock the door and I walk in.
I sit on her bed and pull her into a hug.
"Tell me what's going on." I tell her, she traces her scar.
"11 years ago, I was 5," She starts, "I was running from the hunters." She continues, her voice shaking, "They took my parents, I heard them be killed. I was running as fast as I could." She pauses and cries, "The last thing my mom said to me was 'Run, run as fast as you can, I love you.' She could have run with me, but she stayed to hold them off. I got caught, but I managed to get away." She pauses, "Before I escaped they took out their knife..." She stops and traces her scar again and starts crying.
"Bea..." I say, pulling her into my arms, "I love you." I whisper in her ear. We sit on her bed for a while.
"We should watch a movie." She suggests
"Who?" I ask
"All of us, but on the TV, no going outside." She says
I get all of us in the living room to pick a movie as Bea makes popcorn. We decide to watch a scary movie with a cheesy love ending that I've seen a million times.
"Feeling better?" I ask Bea as she sits in my arms
"Yeah, thank you." She says sounding as though she could fall asleep.

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