Taylor (Lauren)

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Taylor's P.O.V

I wake up and look at my phone.
Summer ends in 3 weeks! Ugh, school.
I usually like school, I get good grades, it's just the fact we have to go to school with humans, that may sound rude, but that hate us too.
I get out of bed and walk down the hallway to the bathroom to get changed. Jay is asleep in his bed, Sam is on his phone in his room, and Sammy is asleep in Bea's arms.
They're so cute together. I think

I finish up in the bathroom and head downstairs to get breakfast.
"Morning." Sammy says in her high pitched bat voice.
"Good morning, school starts soon." I remind her
"Ugggh." I hear Bea groan coming down stairs, "I hate school."
"Hey, at least we'll all be there with you." Sammy says, her voice the normal pitch
"Yeah, I still hate school though." Bea says grabbing some cereal
"Did I hear school starts soon?" Jay groans
"Ugh, really?" Sam complains following Jay down the stairs
"Yup." Bea says unenthusiastically
"Guys, cheer up," I say, "It won't be as bad now that we know each other." I say optimistically
"Yeah, but school replaces those problems with new ones." Bea says
"Like what?" I ask
"Like what's been going on with us." She looks at Sammy when she says that
"Yeah," Jay adds, "Plus the fact that we're beasts." Jay looks at Sam
"So," Sammy starts changing the subject, "How are things going between you two?" Sam and Jay look at each other and smile. After a couple seconds Jay kisses Sam on the cheek and blushes.
"Awww, that's so cute!" Sammy squeals
"Ow, ears, Sammy, some of us aren't used to being squeaked at." Bea jokes
"Sorry." Sam blushes
"It's ok." Bea says in her high squeaky voice laughing. Sammy covers her ears.
"Ok, I understand." She says "I'll work on it."
"We didn't go back to school shopping!" I remember
"Ugh, I hate back to school shopping." Sammy complains
"Yeah," I say, "The only place they sell that kind of stuff to beasts is that terrible second hand shop downtown."
"I have an idea," Bea says, "Everyone come here." We form a cluster around her. She touches each of our hands and closes her eyes for a couple seconds. When she opens them she pulls Sammy's hair behind her ears, and there, is a perfectly normal ear.
"What?!" I ask shocked, looking at my own ear in a mirror
"How?" Sammy asks in disbelief
"I know a thing or two," Bea smirks, "It's not permanent so we should go soon."
"Ok, I just need to get dressed." Jay says checking his ears in the mirror

-After Shopping-

"They have so many options at the normal stores!" Sammy says exited
"They actually have decent backpacks!" I say just as excited
"Oh, your ears are changing back." Bea says
"It's ok, what do you guys wanna do tonight?" Sammy asks
"I wanted to catch up on my reading and then start my project." I say
"And there's the nerd," Bea jokes, "Yeah, I haven't started reading my book yet so that's what I'll be doing."
"Mind if I read with you?" Sammy asks
"Sure, you look cute focused." Bea jokes
"Yeah, Sam and I also need to work on our projects." Jay adds, we all head to our rooms to work on our projects.

-3 Weeks Later-School-

I wake up before everyone else, I choose a purple and black dress that I picked out with a pair of black slip-ons. After I get changed, I go down stairs, make breakfast, and pack my backpack, I picked out a blue, galaxy backpack and a magenta and white binder.
"Morning." Bea says walking down the stairs, behind her Sammy yawns
"Cute outfit." Sammy says looking at my dress
"Thanks, I'm super excited we actually have decent stuff this year." I say exited
"I'm gonna go get changed." Bea says bring her cereal upstairs
"I'm going to also." Sammy says heading upstairs
"Morning." Jay says walking down stairs, "This outfit is actually decent compared to what we normally wear." He is wearing a white shirt and shorts
"Not bad." Sam says wearing a t-shirt and shorts
"I'm back!" Bea says appearing on the stairs, she is wearing black, ripped, jean shorts, a dark purple shirt and a black unzipped sweatshirt.
"Nice shoes." I say looking at her black converse
"What? Black is my color." She says
"Hey, I'm here too." Sammy says at the top of the stairs, she's wearing a pastel yellow shirt, light blue frayed shorts and white converses.
"Cute." Bea says kissing her on the cheek
"Where's my backpack?" Sammy asks looking around
"Here." Bea says holding up her light blue backpack along with Jay's and Sam's black and white backpacks
"And here's yours." Sammy says holding up Bea's ombré pink and black backpack
"Ok, we're gonna miss the bus." I say rushing everyone out the door.

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