Nighttime Thoughts

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-Sammy's P.O.V-A Couple Days Later-

"Heyyy." Bea says coming into my room
"Lemme guess, you want something?" I ask
"Yeah, uh, can you to teach me how to read?" She asks
"Me?" I ask "Why not, Taylor, she tutors people, or Sam, he's a great writer, or even Jay?"
"I don't want Taylor to because she's still getting over the fact I can't read and I haven't told Jesse or Sam." She explains. Woah, she called Jay Jesse, she must really mean this.
"Ok, fine, but you have to listen to me." I agree
"Thank you!" She says exited
"So when do you want to start?" I ask her
"Um, I free literally every day, the only time I'm not free, I'm with you." She says
"Ok, tomorrow?" I ask
"Sure!" She says sounding excited

-Bed-Bea's P.O.V-

I can't sleep, so, I stay up looking at the book we had to read. I remember every word Sammy said, but I can't line them up with the jumble of letters on the page. I know some words but most of them are three or four letter words. I take out the picture book I have on my shelf. I look at the pictures and hear my mom's voice reading it to me. I start to cry but keep it in, eventually, I fall asleep.

-Bed-Jesse's P.O.V-

I'm sitting in bed quietly strumming my guitar. In the next room over, I can hear Sam writing something on his computer, down the hallway, I can hear Taylor working on her project, I hear Sammy reviewing her notes, and lastly, I hear Bea flipping through a book. At first I think it's her sketch book that she carries around everywhere, but then I realize that she's flipping the pages too fast for it to be her sketch book. I'm a little surprised that she's looking through a book, she never reads for fun. I strum some more and hum quietly. From down the hall I can hear Bea's pencil scratching paper quietly as she hums.
Now she's drawing. I think to myself, I continue playing my guitar, making something up as I go, I can now hear Bea humming the tune and Sam taping on his computer to the beat.
"Hey, some of us are trying to sleep!" Sammy calls from down the hallway, we all laugh
"Says the nocturnal one!" Bea yells back, we all laugh again
"None of us actually go to sleep until, like, one in the morning!" I yell down the hallway
"That's sadly accurate." Sam says, we laugh, then go back to what we were doing.

-Bed-Sam's P.O.V-

I can hear Jesse strumming his guitar and Bea humming along from either side of my room. I'm reviewing my science notes, eventually, I get bored, and change to writing part of my essay for health class. We're doing a psychology unit which I don't get why it's part of health, or psychology, we're just learning about how different brains progress information differently. Eventually, I get bored again and just write some random things I've learned since this summer. Jesse starts playing a little louder, but Bea stops humming. I can hear her working on a new art project, there's a couple seconds of pencil, then a couple seconds of erasing, it repeats, finally, I stop listening and try to sleep, I do eventually, just not as fast as I hoped.

-Bed-Taylor's P.O.V-

I sit in bed thinking about today. Would Abigail reveal Bea and Sammy's secret to the school? She hasn't yet, but that doesn't mean she won't. I worked on my project for a little bit, and then fell asleep listening to Jay play his guitar as Bea hummed.

-Bed-Bea's P.O.V-

I fall asleep soon enough. I have a dream that I'm stuck in a small room, and the only way to get out is to read a sentence. I know what it says, I just can't read it. After a couple minutes, the book gets taken, and I'm just trapped in the room.
I wake up and look around my room. I get up and make sure I can get out of my bedroom, then sit back on my bed and draw.

-Bed-Sammy's P.O.V-

I sit in my bed and work on math. I can do the basics, but algebra is the worst. Eventually, I give up and go to sleep, it takes a while, but eventually I fall asleep and manage to stay asleep for a couple hours.


Hey, sorry this chapter is kinda weird, I just wanted to show what goes on in the house after dark. That's about it. Also, thank you to the few people who made it past the introduction, like 20-25 people stoped reading after the side info.

DividedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora