Somewhere Lost

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-Some That Night-Bea's P.O.V-

I wake up in the middle of a deep forest, the last thing I remember is sitting on my bed. I hear a high pitched shout that I guess is Sammy.
"SAMMY!" I shout
"BEA!" I hear Taylor yell
"TAYLOR!" Sammy yells, "I CAN'T FLY OVER ALL THE TREES, MY WINGS ARE GONE!" I try to change my form to something that can fly but I remain human
"I CAN'T FLY EITHER!" I yell, I look at my reflection in a nearby pond, green, perfect. I grow two vines and make them pick me up by the waist, I extend in the air looking around the trees, I find Sammy in the middle of a clearing.
"Sammy!" I call down to her
"Bea!" She calls back up, I slowly make my way towards the ground
"What do you mean your wings are gone?" I ask landing, she turns around, where her wings were are now just a little part of exposed bone and blood, I step back in surprise. (you know what I'm talking about, how people step back and cover their mouths)
"Does it look too bad?" She asks, before I respond Taylor emerges from a bush
"I didn't know you were half deer." I say looking at her little antlers
"Yeah, sorry I took so long, I asked some deer and antelope but they took a long time." Taylor says
"HELLO?!" I hear Sam yells
"ANYONE THERE?!" Jay yells
"SAM, JAY, OVER HERE!" I yell back, a couple minutes later they appear out of a bush, Jay has his fox ears and tail.
"Cool tail." Taylor says
"Thanks, it's super fluffy." Jay says stroking it
"So where are we?" Sammy asks
"In a forest." Sam jokes
"That's not funny." Sammy says seriously (I like alliteration)
"Oh come on, it was a little." Sam says
"No, it wasn't." She says
"What's up with her?" He asks me
"She lost her wings." I explain, before he can respond, we hear a rustling from a bush, we all turn around to see my dad standing there.

What do you think? Should I leave you on a cliffhanger? Ok, bye.

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