Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Present time: Asgard

All clean and bathed, wounds tended too. Cassie, Tiberius and Alexia were once again sitting at the table in Thrundheim. Sif was sat at the head of the table with a deep frown on her face, her head was slightly cocked. The three Druids exchanged looks and shrugged but they sat patiently and waited. Eventually Sif looked at them and said. "Please forgive me, I am being a terrible host. I know I promised you food and beds to rest in but it seems that will not be possible."

Tiberius gave the Goddess a furious stare "And just why not? What could be the excuse this time?" Sif stared calmly back. "It seems we are needed right now, we have been summoned"

Tiberius slammed his fist on the table making both Cassie and Alexia jump. "Needed where? Summoned by who?"

Sif rose to her feet, still speaking calmly and softly "Please come with me, we do not have much time."

"We never have time!" griped Tiberius. "Always in a rush, always a matter of life and death!"

Sif regarded the old druid steadily, her haunted blue eyes barely concealing the true power that hid behind them. "It actually is a matter of death for Jason. He has challenged my husband to a fight to the death! You wanted to meet a thunder god well come with me!"

Sif didn't wait for an answer, she just turned and strode out of the hall. Alexia was the first to rise, she looked at the other two and said "Well, I guess we don't have a choice" she followed after the Goddess. As they marched out through the beautiful lands of Asgard, Tiberius kept up a running rant about Jason and his foolish ways. How Eva was probably also involved in this, how hungry he was and the need for a glass of whiskey. Sif kept marching on silently out in front, she led them on. Cassie was letting Tiberius's words wash over her, he did like to moan. She had her eyes fixed dead ahead, a great hill rose before them, it was the one they had seen from the window. The golden hall glittering in the sunshine was obviously their destination.

Odin and Freyr cleared the hall, shoving feasting table's aside, sending huge clouds of dust up as they worked to clear an open area in the centre of the hall. Freyja stood glaring daggers at them with her arms crossed while Jason and Thor continued to size each other up. Golden Mjollnir was glinting in the fire light of Jason's burning blade. "Don't do this" growled Thor "That feral wench isn't worth dying for. There are plenty more, much more beautiful women in Asgard, I will introduce you to them!"

Jason's reply was a savage snarl in a strange language that Thor didn't understand. The thunder god glanced uncertainly at Odin who would surely understand. The one eyed god just shook his head and said. "You don't want to know, it was not pleasant. I will not repeat it. But let's just say if I did translate, you would never be able to look at your manhood and earrings in the same way again" Thor turned his fury back to Jason but was checked, his eyes widened as he watched Jason begin to twitch and convulse. The flames on his sword flared brighter as Jason's eyes turned a deep forest green, pure gold rings appeared around the pupils. He bared his teeth and the thunder god watched in horror as the canines elongated before his very eyes. Thor pointed Mjollnir accusingly at Jason. "You are a feral beast just like your whore!" Thor cast an accusing glance Odin's way "Why isn't he with her? Why is this one allowed to roam free?"

Odin gave the thunder god an icy stare. "He was no threat until you provoked him"

"What does that mean?" thundered Thor "I haven't done anything!"

Jason continued snarling in a strange language and Thor once again looked to Odin for a translation. Odin shrugged and said "It's not your words even though I have lost count of how many times you have insulted his girl. But the main problem is that you are now the one standing in his way of getting to her"

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