Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Six months ago: Midgard

Jason Redfield swore endlessly as he surveyed the three Witch Hunters and then took in his surroundings. The trap was well sprung. There were only three doors in this small chapel. The main double doors were blocked by the three hunters, they stood ridged and poised. The multi coloured light that filtered down from the stained glass only added to their hellish appearance. Jason had seen the way they fought and knew there was no way he could fight all three and live to tell the tale but on the other hand, there was no way he was being taken alive. The two other doors were on either side of him but they only led up to the second floor balconies that looked down on where he now stood. Jason looked behind him, there was a massive altar with two tall, golden candle holders upon it. Above the altar was the painting of the crucifixion. He glared at it, was that really the last piece of art work he would ever see? High above the balconies were countless stained glass windows but there was no way he could reach them and smash his way out.

Jason looked back at the hunters, standing with inhumane stillness. This was the first time he had really looked closely at them. All three had identical snarls on their roguish faces, their skin colour seemed off somehow, like it was starting to decay or something. All though their wide brimmed hats cast their eyes into shadows, Jason could still see flecks of crimson. Oh they are going to take their time and enjoy this.

Jason turned a furious look on the bishop who was keeping well back from the hunters, he held a small crucifix in trembling hands

"You betrayed me!" snarled Jason "just as you have betrayed your god and your religion!"

Bishop Leo III looked pleadingly at Jason, he couldn't keep the tremor out of his voice as he spoke

"Please do not fight this, it is the only way. I tried to help you but you turned from salvation. Gods will must be done"

Jason's gaze turned murderous and the bishop desperately held the crucifix out in front of him to ward of the evil in pathetic defence

"This is not God's will! This is not his work" Jason levelled an accusing finger at the bishop "you are doing the devil's work. May your soul rot in hell for eternity!"

Bishop Leo wailed in terror and dropped to his knees he began babbling some prayers and begging his god for salvation. Jason ignored him and went back to surveying the room, he was making a mental note of every possible weapon. There was countless wooden chairs facing the altar but from their frail appearance, one good blow and they would shatter to kindling. There were bibles, tea lights, prayer cushions. All poor options. Then there was the two golden candle stick holders. They were about a foot long and looked pretty sturdy. Well beggars can't be choosers.

Jason scrubbed a hand through his hair. This was a game of cat and mouse and the only way to win was not to be the mouse. The Witch Hunters were clearly the cats and they looked ready to pounce at a moment's notice

"Please Jason, do not spill blood in the lord's sacred house. Leave here peacefully and maybe he will forgive you"

Jason gave the bishop another furious glare and then a sudden thought struck him. Maybe there is a way out of this?

"I do not need forgiveness! I have done nothing wrong! I do not bow and grovel before your pathetic god!"

Jason had no idea if his plan would work but he had to try. He moved like lightning as he closed the gap and moved behind the bishop, seizing him by the throat before the Witch hunters could even react.

The three of them began to surge forward but then paused as they reassessed the situation. Jason tightened his grip on the bishop's throat and began to slowly back towards the altar.

The Witch Hunter's prowled forward matching Jason's slow pace, oddly they had their eyes on the bishop and not him. Jason was momentarily confused until he looked down at the bishop's rapidly purpling face, he relaxed his grip slightly and the bishop took a huge rasping breath. The Witch Hunters snarled with disapproval and kept advancing.

Jason took a deep breath and silently preyed to Odin for strength. He had decided on one final and desperate course of action. It would most likely be suicidal.

Treachery  : book 2 of Codex ElysiumHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin