Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Present time: Midgard

The library in the centre of Glevum city was a very large and old building. Inside it had the feeling of an old church or temple that had been converted. Huge wooden stacks rose from floor to ceiling. The only way to reach the top shelves was by ladder. Old fashioned tables and comfy chairs were dotted amongst the stacks, the high arched windows suggested they had once held stained glass. Bare oak floorboards that were worn smooth with age added to the feeling of ancientness of the building. The library was always a quiet place and hardly anyone used it. Today there was only one person using it.

When Jason Redfield had been alive, he had adopted a shabby armchair that was buried deep in the stacks near the back of the room. It had a solitary feeling and rarely anyone ventured that deep into the library. It was the perfect place of solitude and a good place to escape from the madness of the world outside. Even though he was now technically dead in this world, it seemed some habits die hard. Jason was once again sitting in his favourite chair. A towering stack of books on the small table besides him, more books opened at key pages were spread out on the floor before him. Even the empty armchair next to him had books piled up on it. Jason's face was locked in a scowl of displeasure at what he was currently reading.

Every day since his encounter with the twins and dispute with Eva and Odin, Jason had come back to Midgard all on his own and spent the days pouring over old books. He had first tried retreating to the great library in Asgard but Kvasir kept showing up and Jason felt like he was being spied on. So far, no one had managed to track him to this library. Although it seemed as though his luck had run out. His scowl darkened as someone began shifting books off the other chair and settled themselves down. Jason didn't need to look up to know who it was, he kept on reading and spoke to his book.

"Why are you here? I was sure you would be dead by now"

A dry and mirthless laugh met that.

"Don't you mean hoped I was dead? Death would be a mercy for me. No, it is far better to keep me alive for all eternity so I can suffer endlessly"

The bitterness of her words forced Jason to look up, he was shocked by just how much Lucifer's appearance had changed. Her dark hair hung limp and lifeless, dark circles under her beautiful brown eyes, a huge bruise spread from her jaw to cheek, there was a fine red cut that ran down her other cheek and onto her neck.

"Is that a look of concern?" asked the princess of Hell "Do you actually feel sorry for my state?"

"No woman deserves to be beaten like that, no matter how evil they are of even if they are a ruler of Hell"

Jason returned to his book as Lucifer chuckled

"What if I told you that I was neither? I may not be exactly good but I'm not evil either as for ruling Hell? I'd hardly say my word has any authority in that world"

Jason didn't respond to that, he just picked up another book and began flicking through the pages. Lucifer gave him an amused look

"My time here is very short. I must be at the head of Hell's army in less than an hour"

"Well don't let me hold you up" muttered Jason into his book. Lucifer scowled at the druid. Did he not understand what she had just said? Did he not get what it meant?

"Nidavellir has maybe three or four hours until it is wiped out. Why are you not getting ready? Has Odin changed his stance yet?"

Jason carried on reading and spoke in short clipped tones

"This war is no concern of Asgard's. We have other concerns to attend to"

Lucifer slammed her fist on the table in frustration. The sound echoing around the empty library.

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