Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Six months ago: Midgard

Bishop Leo III slouched in his favorite armchair, it was long past midnight but he couldn't sleep. He idly swirled the brandy in his glass as he thought. There were so many questions that needed answers. The stranger named Jason was asleep in the spare room. Was he a devil? Was he a bad man? Was this some test from God? The man had walked into his life looking like something straight out of Hell and the bishop couldn't shake the feeling that big trouble was heading his way. He had spent nearly four hours on his knees, praying before a statue of Jesus being crucified. Begging for guidance, begging for help and advice. As always, his prayers fell on deaf ears. He still had no idea what to do with the stranger. His only hope was that after a goodnight's sleep, Jason would choose to move on in the morning.

Bishop Leo III turned on his small TV, he didn't normally watch it, for such nonsense, such filth and sin distracted him from loving God and doing his duties. He groaned as the news flashed up on the small screen before him. A young pretty, red haired reporter was animatedly talking away. A strip at the bottom of the screen said, breaking news.

"...Hunters have brought down a witch, Cassie Smith aged twenty two. She was one of the leaders of the biggest satanic cult in all of Brittan" Behind the reporter calmly stood two Witch Hunters, they held a struggling dark haired woman between them. No matter how desperately she tried, she couldn't break their vicelike grips. The reporter continued on "The leader of this cult is still at large and there are no leads on his whereabouts yet. He is believed to be extremely dangerous and should not be approached. The Witch Hunters have issued a warning that anyone found sheltering this man will be found guilty of witchcraft and heresy. They will face the same punishment as the man they are hiding. So I suggest you turn him over right now"

The glass of brandy fell from the bishop's hand and shattered on the floor as a photo flashed up on the screen. The bold red words underneath read. WANTED, JASON REDFIELD. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. The bishop gasped as he looked at the picture. It was a younger and much better groomed version of the man sleeping in his spare room. Leader of a satanic cult? In his home? In the house of the lord? He got up and began to pace around his small Livingroom. He had agreed to give this man sanctuary, just as his duty required. But would God want him to shelter such a man? He had walked into the cathedral covered in blood and filth. Was that from satanic sacrifices? Was it animal blood or was it human? The bishop wrapped his bathrobe tighter around him as a chill ran down his spine. He had heard of satanic practices where they sacrificed children and babies, of torture, of sexual practices that were unspeakable. A man like that could not stay here. The bishop's first duty was to God and his church. Even the bible was clear. Thou shall not suffer a witch to live. The church was working hard to purge the world of people just like this. The year 2020 was rapidly approaching. God's holy work had to be done. The Bishop looked at the clock on the wall. There was no way he would sleep now. And God's holy work must be done no matter the time of day or night.


Jason Redfield awoke feeling refreshed for the first time in weeks. Plus being washed, fed and in clean clothes was an added bonus. He sat up in bed then looked at his nightstand. A scowl crossed his face and his mood instantly darkened. There was a bible on it and it definitely hadn't been there when he went to sleep last night. He scooped up the book after giving it a filthy look and marched down the corridor planning to give the good bishop an earful.

The dining room table was set for one, a single bowl, a spoon, a jug of milk that was going warm and a small selection of cereals. The bishop was nowhere to be seen. Jason tossed the bible onto the table before settling down for breakfast. He needed to come up with a plan. He couldn't stay here forever. Could he? Jason frowned at the thought. Living the rest of his life in a cathedral like a monk. That was a good joke. Honestly he expected the world to return to normal once 02.02.2020 had come and gone. When nothing happened and no end of the world comes. Everyone will drop this madness and go back to not believing in anything. Still that date was a good two and a half years away. He needed to survive till then, he needed an exit strategy and most importantly, he needed to contact Cassie and make sure she was doing ok. He felt awful for separating from her. He should've dragged her here kicking and screaming if he had too. He desperately hoped she was ok.

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