Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Present time: Muspell

Sutur lay on the blackened ground and listened intently. There was defiantly distant rumblings of battle but it was far away, maybe on the other side of the universe. Out on the grass lands, the withered work force continued in its baffling activates. More stones had been dragged across the plains and were now being erected in the holes all around the perimeter of the cleared area.

In the beginning, Sutur had been free to wander all of the nine worlds. Although back then it was just one massive world of fire and ash. There was no such thing as religion back then, no need to build great temples or build rings of standing stones. So the fire demon had no idea what the purpose of such things were.

The black demon rose back to his feet and watched the workers lower another stone into position. His laugh was long and deep as he watched the stone over balance and topple over. It crushed several workers as it landed. There was no sign of the man in the black suit. In fact, he hadn't been seen for days now. The withered workers went back to raising the stone, leaving the crushed and broken bodies of their colleagues where they lay.

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