Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Present time: Muspell

Sutur stood with his great sword raised in the air. The blade was long and slightly curved, it was made of a steel blacker than the night. Behind the demon stood his entire army of Muspell. All of them had coal black skin, they were completely hairless and wore no clothes or armour. They were humanoid in shape but they walked on all fours. Their eyes burnt like hot coals in serpentine faces. Noses little more than slits, elongated, sharp teeth jutted past their lips. Hands and feet all ended in wickedly sharp talons.

The oncoming army had halted some distance back. The strange man in the suit was once again stood in front of Sutur, babbling away in his strange language. Was he offering terms? Was he asking for Sutur to stand down and surrender? Who knew? Hellfire began to lick its way down Sutur's blade, he flexed his massive shoulders. He would not back down from a fight. Still there was something off about all of this. It couldn't really be an attack could it? He put out his empty hand and touched the barrier. It was still as solid as ever. How did this army plan on breaking through?

The strange man finished babbling and turned to address his army. Sutur raised his voice and commanded his army to be ready. To show them no mercy and kill them all. It quickly became apparent that this was not an attack. The flames on Sutur's blade began to die as his confusion grew. The demon watched in fascination as the withered mass broke up into groups. The only thing they attacked was the grasslands. The Passus began to work on ground clearance, cutting down the stunted trees and shrubs, they began pulling out large rocks. They began to dig holes at the places the man had previously marked out with sticks. Sutur sheathed his sword and continued to watch the progress of these strange creatures. Even though it wasn't an attack he still never gave the order for his army to stand down. There they all stood at the very border of Muspell watching the Passus slave away.

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