Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Present time Vanaheim

Birds sang in trees that were once again full of life and in full colour, squirrels eagerly raced up and down them while rabbits nibbled at lush green grass, Exotic flowers were in full bloom. Hella looked around the garden with barely disguised loathing. All of Vanaheim was still a desolate wasteland, yet here in the castle grounds was a miniature paradise. Gullveig had worked long and hard, she had wasted massive amounts of magic to make this place live again. The first witch of the nine worlds had insisted that this wasn't a waste and that it would help to heal Sophia's damaged mind. Hella looked down at a little brown rabbit that was nibbling the grass near her foot and kicked it as hard as she could.

Loki stepped up beside his daughter and chuckled as he watched the rabbit fly through the air and slam into a tree.

"Such a waste of magic" muttered Hella. Loki sneered as the rabbit righted itself and carried on nibbling at fresh patch of grass like nothing had happened. Then his gaze turned to the girl that was sitting in the middle of the garden

"Well, I hope it has all been worth the effort"

Hella turned her attention to Sophia who was just sitting still and staring at a patch of daisies with rapt attention

"It is hard to say but at least she has stopped screaming the place down"

Loki stroked his pointed chin in thought

"Hm, does Gullveig honestly believe we still need this girl?"


Loki continued to stoke his chin as he thought, his coal black eyes fixed on Sophia. All she did was sit and stare. Maybe she was meditating? Highly unlikely but like Hella said, it was certainly an improvement on Sophia staring at the sky and screaming the place down.

"Gullveig believes that this girl has access to a deep well of magic that will be essential for the ritual? Does she really need her mind or can we just tap her?"

Hella crossed her arms and glared at Sophia, she spoke through a clenched jaw

"Yes, it is a very deep well that we do need and no we do not know of any way to tap it. Only Sophia can do that!"

Loki grinned, it was his evil trickster grin. A grin that was full of mischief and malice, it was a grin that every Aesir god knew and they would shudder if they ever saw it, for no good ever followed.

"This girl is broken yes? Do we all agree on that?"

Hella shrugged then raised an eyebrow as two long duelling blades appeared in her father's hands

"I don't know? Perhaps she is broken or perhaps she just needs time?"

Loki's grin became more vicious

"Her time is up!"

The trickster god hurled one of the blades directly at Sophia and yelled

"Get up and defend yourself!"

Sophia didn't even flinch or react as the sword dug into the ground just inches from her foot. The broken girl gave the blade the most cursory of glances before going back to staring at her patch of daisies. Loki snarled a murderous curse and his blade erupted into flames. Hella gasped and took a step back.

"Father, please don't do this. You will only make things worse"

Loki pointed the flaming blade at Sophia and snarled

"How can I possibly make things worse? Don't you see, this is the only way to get to the truth"

Hella scowled. What truth? She watched in horror as a fireball bloomed on the end of Loki's sword and shot straight at Sophia. It exploded on the ground near to her leg. Sophia didn't flinch or even react, this only enraged Loki further and he repeated the process.

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