Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

High king Dvalin looked around and gave a satisfied nod, there was no more enemies left standing on the wall. The rest of the dark army was once again pulling back from the wall. Rekkr sheathed his bloodied sword and stepped up besides his king

"We actually did it! The wall still holds!"

Dvalin looked grimly down the wall. The defenders were breathing hard and slumping down to the ground where they stood. It had been a very close fight, they didn't have much left in them

"We didn't do this" growled the king as he began picking his way down the wall towards Odin. When the high king reached his destination he surprised everyone by dropping to his knees. Even Odin raised an eyebrow as he waited for the king to speak

"Odin lord of Asgard, you and your gods are known to all of us. We are in your debt for saving us all"

Odin scratched at his chin in thought, he looked from the kneeling king out onto the battle field where Hells army still stood

"We didn't do anything, we certainly haven't saved you. Just delayed the inevitable I fear."

The Temple Druids had all learnt basic healing spells from Tiberius and were scattered among the defenders doing what they could to help. Jason was close enough to Odin and the king to overhear, he stopped what he was doing and asked

"What do you mean?"

Dvalin was still on his knees, he shuffled round to face Jason and looked solemnly up at the druid

"It has been centuries since Dwarves and mortal man have fought side by side. It has never been known for strangers to willingly fight for us. I apologise for not even knowing who you are"

Jason quickly masked his shock at the idea of men and dwarves fighting together. That kind of thing only happened in fantasy stories and myths. He grabbed the king by his armoured shoulders and raised him to his feet

"Get up, you are a king and do not bow to me, I am no pope. As for not knowing me. I am Jason"

High King Dvalin gave him an odd look as he wondered what a pope was

"Either way, we are still in your debt"

Rekkr straightened and said

"Yes, I fear there will be more debt before this battle is over, there is still much for you and the army of Asgard to do"

Odin and Jason traded a silent look but neither spoke. The other gods and druids joined the little conference but also said nothing. Rekkr looked at the small group then turned to look back into the valley, searching for the legendry army of Valhalla

"Where is your army? Surely you did not come alone?"

Odin nodded but said nothing

"Four gods and five mortals? This is what Asgard sends to us in our hour of need?"

"Well actually six gods" snapped Odin "Sif and Lin are helping your wounded"

High king Dvalin visibly sagged with relief. Two Goddesses helping his wounded, that was more than he could ever have hoped for.

"But it is not enough!" growled Rekkr "How can we possibly win?"

Odin levelled a hard look at the scarred dwarf

"What did I tell you when you came to Valhalla and insulted my hospitality? You know why there is no army here as for winning this battle? This we cannot do, you all know this"

Treachery  : book 2 of Codex ElysiumDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora