Chapter 1-The 2 Clans

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Hello everyone who decided to read my little ff whichhh I've been making so far with a friend ~ Please forgive the mistakes I've made in the first chapters and the awkward speech! I promise it gets better later on<3 Thank you and enjoy ^^

At the top of the mountain,a wolf's pack,with its wise leader Kairo,was living their lives normally.In that pack,a few years ago, a new pup was born to be an Alpha.The daughter of Kairo. A beautiful wolf with brown to orange pelt colour and white marks on her cheeks,as well as a black stripe from her back reaching her shoulders.A very strong pup who would be trained to be the next leader of the wolves.Her name was Skaira.

Some miles away,some lions lived with pride their own lives.King Ahadi was ruling.Wise,brave and prepearing the cubs for their role in the pride.A young lioness was the daughter of a very strong member! Her mother was the leader of the hunterss so it was her turn to be the leader of them when she grows up.With a light brown pelt and a mane of the colours of the sea.Katerina was her name.

Soon enough it was obvious that the two clans were not willing to share the forest nor the prays.

---2 months later---

Misha:Katerina! Where do you think you're going my daughter?

Katerina:Come'on mom! i just wanna go for some exploring!

Misha gives her little daughter a smile and responses

Misha:No i don't think so sweetheart! You will stay here with lionesses! Understood?

Katerina gaze turned into a disapontement

Katerina:Oookk mummy..I'll stay here..

Misha:Oh don't be sad! I just want you to be safe!

Katerinas still looking at the ground sad

Misha:When i get back from hunting we will practise your fighting,ok?

Katerina's face suddenly filled with excitement and happiness

Katerina:OK MOM! I'll wait for you!!

Random Lioness:Misha! You comin'?

Misha:Yea just a sec!

Misha nuzzled with her daughter leaving for the hunt.Katerina was now under the protection of the rest of the lionesses.But the young one found a way to slip away from them when they were distrackted taking care of the rest of the cubs.So the brave lioness started to explore the area arround her.Although without realising it,she had left her territory.

Katerina:What a beautiful forest! 

As she was walking she bumped into a young pup from the wolfs pack.The little ones not carrieng about their different clans and not knowing the hate between them ,were starting to have fun together.

Katerina:Uhh Hi!

Wolf:Oh hey there! Who are you? I am Skaira!

Katerina:Nice to meet you Skaira! Im Katerina! But you may call me Kate!

Skaira:Ok Kate! well ahaha what are you? You do not 

look like a wolf!

Kate:Im not wolf you dummy! Hehe im a lion! *Kate said taking a fight pose*

Skaira:A lion? Really?! Wow ive never seen a lion! I am a wolf! An alpha!

Kate:Wait you are a wolf? Ive never seen a wolf too! haha! Hmm..


Kate:Hey do you know how to fight?!

Skaira:Im an alpha! Ofcourse i know! Do you?

Kate:My mom is training me! Yes i know! Lets fight for a bit,what do you say?

Skaira:Haha sure! Grrr!! The mighty wolf against the brave lion!

Kate:Who shall win? *Kate quickly jumped towards Skaira pinning her down.But Skaira,as the older one,could get back on her feet pretty easily.Pulling their ears,biting lighlty and giving small paw hits the two of them sparred for a while having fun.Until..*


Kate and Skaira broke apart quickly

Kairo:SKAIRA!! IM GETTING YOU BACK TO THE PACK! As for YOU lion,you should not have left your territory!

Kate:S-sir I-

Suddenly a liones interupts.She propably had noticed Katerina was gone.

Lioness:Excuse me Kairo! This lioness came here by accident.She was lost.Im taking her back to the pride.

Kairo:Very well then! But make sure she stays away from my daughter!

Lioness:Yes Kairo!But keep your pup away too!That young one is Misha's daughter!

The lioness took Katerina and headed for their pride and so did Kairo with Skaira.Both of these two are gonna be in big trouble!

SOOOO WHAT DO U THINK OF THE FIRST PART?! :3 And yea dont ask about Kate having a mane pls xD i just wanted her to have mane xD

I hope you enjoed it^^ and pls comment and tell me what you think :)



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