Chapter 5-Bad News

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Neila:" Well yeah! We all know now. And! When the leader finds are done!"

Kate:"Mhh..well! Yes! I have met wolves from up close! What's up with that?"

Neila:"Hah..E-excuse me! We are enemies! What do you mean 'What's up with that?'" Neila looked at Kate kinda confused.

Kate:"Yes! Why so surprised? Wolves are animals too! We are not so different! I won't ever! EVER! Be ashamed for this action of mine! Only if you would understand.." she laughed lightly " looks like my family.. is too blind! Too proud! To accept other animals..I'm disapointed..!" and with that Kate turned her back on them.

Neila:"Umm..ahem!!" she tried to get her attention."If you don't admit it to our pride yourselfe..! We will"

Kate:"Sure! Go ahead!"

Neila was surprised to see her reaction.She did not even stop to look back.She then ordered the rest of her lioness-supporters to surround the blue maned lioness.

Neila:"You are a traitor Kate..and we are not willing to let you go! If we kill you..our leader will be proud of us!" she spoke up proudly. Kate just let a soft chuckle.

Kate:"Hehe..You really think you can take  me?" she smirked.

Neila:"Yes! We are are 1! There is no chance for you!"

Kate turned around slowly.She gave everyone a death glare.

Kate:"I think you are missing dear sister.." she spoke up."Apart from hunting..I've been practising my fighting too!" she smirked evily. With that, a lioness made the first move! Kate easily grabbed her by the neck and dropped her on the ground. "You have never experienced a fight..have you?"


--------- Meanwhile --------

Ahadi:"Have your hunters ready Misha! We strike tonight." The king-leader of the pride was taking care of some things.The pride was gonna go hunting this night!

Misha:"Yes! As you wish.I'll take care of it." she was about to leave when she and Ahadi heard some growls and yells coming from somewhere.

Ahadi:"Wait..can you hear that?" The sound was becoming louder.

They stareda t each other for a moment and then started running towards the sounds. They soon got to witness a big messy fight! A blue maned lioness..against half of  her lioness-sisters! It was not very clear who was winning.But it did not matter anyway.This fight had to stop! Ahadi bursted in roaring! They all spil up! Many were injured! Kate the most.But she was still standing.

Ahadi:"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" he roared.

RandomLioness:"Sir! Let me explain!"

Ahadi:"I'm listening."

RL:"Neila found out something important.Its about Kate" there was a bit of silence. Misha looked at her daughter with a worried exprettion. "She found out that Kate has secret friendships with wolves" Ahadi and Misha turned to face Kate! Anger! Shock! And many other emotions were expressed. "So..we and Neila..decided to take this traitor out!  We had to..we were all counting on your understanding,Sir!"

Ahadi thought for a moment.Then he slowly approached Kate.She didn't look down.

Ahadi:"Is that true..Kate?"

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