Chapter 10 - A New Start,Trying To Fit In

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Kate was now accepted to Skaira's pack.A true miracle.Something like that was too risky to even imagine.But thankfully to a brave female wolf,Kate and Skaira had done it.

So now,Kate is over with the heyna pack deal too.Kate said her goodbyes to every one of them and especially Jonan.It wasn't such a bad experience after all.He was even happy for her for finding a permenant home.

A new life is waiting for her.


The wolf from the Skaira's pack was now thinking to herself.Thinking about the move she made.Should she not have accepted the lioness either?Our dear wolf...Misky..was now sitting near a river.And she was thinking to herself:

'I propably made a mistake by telling our leader that the lion should stay.I should stay happy with them accepting me.A half wolf half dog hybrid.Some wolves will propably plan to get rid of me,or they will go against me.They will say"The half dog is trying to protect a stupid lion.A killer."...but they don't understand that we are all animals.We are equal.We are the same.No matter what blood,size or colour.' she completed her thoughts and dropped her left paw into the cold river.The wind was howling along with the other wolves,brushing her soft brown fur.She didn't dare to join them.

The wolves kept on howling.Soon a weird heavy sound interupted the howls.Misky jumped a little bit.The next think she saw were two bright eyes glowing from the other side of the river.Misky decided to hide herself in the bushes.And there she saw her.It was Kate.Kate was trying to act like a wolf.The scene was kind of entertaining for Misky.She saw Kate stepping on herself in an atempt to walk the way wolves do.She also realised the weird heavy sound was Kate trying to howl.She laughed a little bit to herself and felt safe to get out of the bushes.She wasn't as scary as other's thought her to be.

Kairo now gave orders,that it was time for hunting.He chose skaira,some wealthy wolves,and Kate,because he believed,if she was to stay in the pack,she had to pay in her own way.Kate happily accepted.It would be the first time Kate and Skaira would hunt together in front of everyone.

The target would be an adult deer,once again.This time a female.With Kairo's sign the wolves all started charging towards the deer.Everyone except Kate,who run to the oposite side."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? OBEY ME FOLLOW THE ORDERES!!" Kairo yelled not trusting Kate's moves."Father!"said Skaira"have trust in her!".Kairo responded with a sigh and focused on the chase.The wolves had almost caught up to the prey.It would be an easy catch after all.But soon another one,a male,jumped the last moment! It defended the female deer and blocked the predetors.They were doomed.No prey to catch now.Unless they could defeat  them.That's when Skaira's smirk couldn't disappear from her face."Wh-..what is it?" asked her father.

"This" responded Skaira as she pointed to her right with her head.Kate jumped out of the bushes and managed to grab the male one.With the chance created,the rest approached the female.

Once again,because of Kate's help the hunt had a happy ending.

"So knew?" Kairo looked at Skaira with a confused expression."This is how it's always been father! Whenever Kate hunted with me,I would first charge while she goes far ahead and attacks when the prey is tired.It's the perfect technique! And it can only be done with the work of a lion and a wolf." she explained."...How many times have you actually hunted with her...?"he asked."...COME ON! You knew anyway don't give me that face!". Kate chuckled at the father-daughter moment.One of the wolves started howling then,in front of the succesful hunt,and slowly the other wolves joined.Skaira did too.Kate was left with a confused expression."Why are you howling now?" she whispered to Skaira's ear."Because we..we got the-the prey! Don't you do it?" "No why would I??" "Well I thought you didn't do so,so they don't track as too...Oops!" she laughed."Should I try to howl..?" "Uh..b-better not! Heh!" they both shared a light giggle and returned to their place.

Instead of having the others come to where the hunt was done,they carried the corpses.Thankfully everyone had a satisfieng dose of meat.Except of Kate,since she was larger as a lion she needed more than she was able to share.After finishing with her meal she sat near a tree and gased at the horizon.It was night.Everyone was resting and recovering from the hunt.Kate unconsciously started roaring.It was her territorial roar.Lions use it to mark their territory as well as to communicate,but right now,she just wanted to warn other predetors that a lion is around.A lion's roar can be heard from 5 miles away,so it was pretty loud.To Skaira it was something common,she was used to Kate roaring like that,but the rest couldn't deal with it.

"SKAIRA!"yelled a random wolf."GET THAT LIONESS TO SHUT IT! We don't want everyone to know a lion is between us!"

Skaira would normally talk back to such a comment,but this time she prefered to go with the flow.She sat next to her friend and rested her head on her large mane.She always loved laying on her like that.Sometimes she would accidentally fall asleep like that.She said it is very comfy,and Kate would always chuckle at her.

"I think you scared them enough for now" she said calmly."Heh ya think? " Kate responded with a teasing tone.For some seconds there was silence.They were just sitting together watching at the night sky."You did good today..!" Skaira couldn't help but bring that little compliment up."Haa! Am I a good wolf?" laughed Kate."Well...the howl needs practice! The walking too!" "Oh come on!! You saw that! Damn..hAH!" Kate hid her face with her paw from a slight feeling of embarrassment.


Kate counted the seconds.Skaira had fallen asleep on her again.She chukled to herself a bit before letting her eyes relax and her head fall slighly on the front.

Today was the first step.

It's short af TwT Ik..but that's all I could for now! It's pretty late u see :'3 I'll continue later! ^^

Kate Out!~

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