Chapter 2- We Are Enemys..Aren't we?

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Soon enough,Katerina was lead back to the pride.Her mother was waiting.

Misha:Thank you may leave now,Misha thanked the lioness and walked closer to her daughter.


Kate:Mom I-


Kate:"But..what did i do mom? Nothing happened because i left!"

Misha:"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!..uhh..First of all! Where did you go?"

Kate:"I-..I went to explore..but then i met a nice wolf and-"


Kate:"No she was very noce! She was small like me! And her name is Skaira!"

Misha breathed a sigh of relief.She was sure that if she was an adult wolf she'd propably hurt her daughter.

Misha:"KATERINA! Even if she was nice or not..she was a wolf!"

Little Kate fliped her ears confused."And..what's wrong with that? Are wolves bad?"

Misha:"Yes very bad! You may not understand it now..but some day you will..For now! I want you to promise me you will NEVER leave the pride without me or the lionesses! Understood?",she pointed out with a strict voice tone.

Kate:"Yes mom.."

------Meanwhile at the wolve's pacl------

Kairo:"We're have some things to explain young pup! Why did you leave?! And  what were you doing with that lioness?! "

Skaira:"Well,there wasn't anyone here to play so I thou-"


Skaira:"Well..i wanted to find some one to play..and Kate was not bad like you say..",the little pup tried to speak up to her father,but it just wouldn't work.

Kairo:"From all the creatures that exist! With a lion? You have to learn that..lions are our enemys..ok? We can't be friends with them"

Skaira:"Really? And why is that?",she asked curious,not undersanding her father.

Kairo:" will learn that soon..but! You will not EVER leave the pack again!"

Skaira:"Ok dad.."

Some months past..and the two kids grew up to be two very strong and healthy! Skaira was already learning some things about the Aplha she would turn out to be.And Kate had already started to practise her hunting skills.But they still were young..and had much to learn! Their families tried the best to convince them that wolfs and lions are NOT friends..but they refused to believe that.One day,they reached the age when they could leave the pride by themselves.


Misha:"Ok dear! BE CAREFULL!",her daughter just responded with a "I will!" amd left.

She walked some miles away unil she found a warthog chilling between the grass."There's my pray!",she thought.She crouched till she was close enough.It would be a succesfull hunt for the young lioness.But then..

Kate:"what the.."..she whispered.."HEY! YOU THERE!" responce..she could clearly see someone hiding.Curious the young lioness wasn't interested in the warthog anymore."Hey! I'm talking to you!.........You know i can see you,right? SHOW YOURSELF!,then..the stranger stood up..the grass could not hide her anymore."Wait a sec..Skaira?"..Kate could easily recognise her.."WOW ITS YOU! Do you remember me?"..

Skaira:" I?"

Kate:"Come on! Take a better look!",she said excited and shocked!

Skaira:"Wait..are you..? KATE!?"

Kate:"Yes!! It's me! Wow! I never thought I'd see you again!",she said a aproached.

Skaira:"Well same for me! And..Wow! You have grown! I can even see a bit of your mane!"

Kate:"Haha! Well same for you! Why are you here anyways?"

Skaira:"Well,obviously for the same reason as you!",she said laughing

Kate:"Ah I see! was very nice seing you again Skaira! But..i think i should leave parents won't be glad if they find out about you.."she says and slowly backs away

Skaira:"Well..same for me! But come on! They are not gonna find out!",seeing Kate not very pleased with the idea,she suggested"Well..what do you say we go hunting?One hunt together!And then you may leave"

Kate:"Well..uhh..Iguess one hunt won't hurt."she said slowly as a smile grew on herface.

Skaira:"YES!Thank you! Now let's go!"

Kate:"Soowhat kind of prey do you usually choose?"

Skaira:"Well,whenI'm hunting with the pack we can get pretty big animals,but when I'malone I usually choose rabits,warthogs or younger deers.You?"

Kate:"Same,butnow we can go for an adult Elk ,can't we? I mean,we're two!"

Skaira:"YeaI guess!"

Soonthe young prededors found their target chilling,eating the longgrass,suparated from the herd.It was their lucky day!

Skaira:"Oklet's run after it! Its on its own,the herd is too far away to comehere! It might be a little hard to take it down though but we can doit!"

Kate:"What?!No! It will get away! We won't be able to keep up! Taking it down isgonna be the easy part of the hunt! I mean,since it's alone and weare two!"

Skaira:"Ohwell! You can't keep up? We wolves can easily chase a prey for a longway.Isn't it easy for you?"

Kate:"No..welions are very fast but can't keep running for long time.So we chooseto sneak as close as we can.But! We are strong enough to bring downbigger preys without such difficulty.Two adult lionesses are enoughto take a wildebeest down."

Skaira:"Wellthat's something I didn't know about lions! Heh!"

Kate:"Samehere.Didn't know wolves are such incredible runners! Now lets focuson our target.Since I cant keep it up with you..uhh..I guess you willhave to start,and I'll join when you got it cornerned.Plan?"

Skaira:"Plan!",shenodded and approached the elk.

OnceSkaira thought she was ready she started the chase.Kate wasimpressed! She would be out of breath my now! But she shook thesethoughts away as it was her turn now.She jumped on the elk andbrought it down after a nice grab on the back of the neck! Now thiswas something Skaira couldn't do! This little thing had a such nicefeeling to them both! Being told by their families how the one kindis way above the other seemed so wrong now! They were completing eachother.A lion and a wolf would make a perfect team! With theirabilities united there was nothing they couldn't do!But..unfortunately..they cant stay together..this friendship wouldn'tbe accepted by ANYONE! Pity..but for now..they just celebrated theirvictory,feasting together.

Kate:"Well..thatwas awesome! I wish it could last longer!..But it can't..*sigh*..Iwish my pride could understand..but..oh well! I am very happy that Igot the chance to see you one more time Skaira!",she said happilybut the smile that once was on her face now started fading away,asshe turned to leave.

Skaira:"WAIT!Uhh..when will I see you again..? I wanna see you again..this couldbe our meeting spot! Here! He place where we had our first hunttogether! I mean..if you want to.",she lowered her voice not willigto pressure her.

Kate:"Doyou even know how much I want to..? But we both are gonna get in someserious trouble..but...well,I'm not able to answer you mehere in 3 days.I will be able to give you an answer.Tillthen,heh..Goodbye Skaira!" a small grin on her face was the lastthing Skaira saw before Kate disappeared into the long grass.

AAAND WITH THAT PART 2 IS COMPLETEDDD!!^-^ Hope you liked it x3 Until next time! 0w0

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