Chapter 6-Emergency!

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Kate's last experience was a painful one.Her and Skaira's friendship was now oficially known to Kate's ,once,pride.Due to their stuborness to change she took the decision to leave.It was a hard decision indeed.But it was for the better.

For some weeks the days would go on the same pattern.Get up early to eat,mark her own territory and roar to push newcommers or her old pride away.After that she would meet Skaira.Sometimes Mark would also come and hunting was their usual hobby.Although it was not needed everyday.Then she would return to her territory and sleep till dawn.Then Repeat.

But the last few days some rumors started spreading around.

"Did you hear about the news?" a young male heyna asked his companion.Another male heyna.They hapenned to be sitting near Kate's territory but since they were staying in some distance she didn't mind them staying."What news?" the other heyna raised an eyebrow."You know the pride that has it's territory some miles away,right?" "Yes I do,so what?" "Well the members of that pride,have recently started attacking the wolves that live near this area." Kate who was listening from some distance away gasped."They did what?" she talked to herself."What?? You can't be serious?" the heyna gasped too."I'm telling you its true! I'm not the only one saying that! I have no idea why,but they have actually injured plenty with one or 2 attacks while they went hunting." "Hey you!" the two male heynas turned around scared at the sight of Kate."AH!A lion! Please! We will leave your terri-" "First of all!..lioness...second,i don't give a damn about you being in my territory right now,just tell me from who you got these information from" Kate interupted him before he could finish."Oh..y-yeah! I heard the leader of my pack saying so.She knows a lot." he answered.The lioness took some seconds to  think and then said"Please take me to her, this is important to me and I need to know".The two heynas looked at each other for a while before agreeing.

They took of for the heyna pack.There she was introduced to their leader.A young but experienced heyna.She was thoughtfull about Kate speaking with her at first but in the end she agreed to talk to her.Kate introduced herself too.Now it was time for some questions.

"I heard from these two that lion members from a nearby lion pride have attacked wolves.Is that true?" The female heyna nodded slowly"Yes,I'm afraid it is true...why are you asking though?".Kate looked around and then said"The pride you are refering to used to be my pride..I was exiled,let's say,recently.Due to some relations of mine with wolves" she explained."I see,is there anything else you wanna know or are you done?" "Truth is I want something else to ask you.." she confessed. "I'm listeing"."Is there any possibility you know when or where they are going to attack next?" Kate's eyes seemed serious and determinded."Well...what does my pride get if i know?" the leader spoke up.Kate's expression changed.It seemed that she couldn't get the information she needed without a deal."How about you hunt with us? A lion's help would be major."she offered."I'm sorry but I won't be able to hunt for both you and me" she refused."I can provide you protection though! If you give me what I need,I will protect your pack from any lion or other animal.That is if I am around though." Kate offered her own deal.The leader had to think for a while,but in the end she nodded positively."Alright..for how long?" she knew the deal couldn't last forever."4 months" Kate responded."Hmm..not a bad deal..Fine then.I heard that they would atempt to attack again today,whenever they see any wolves hunting this noon."

Kate's eyes widened! It was close to noon...and she was planning to meet with Skaira to hunt together today!! She run away as fast as possible! She had to be there before anything hapenned to Skaira!

"HURRY KATE !! HURRY GOD DAMMIT!!" Kate yelled to herself realising her legs couldn't carry her faster. Soon she reached the area she and Skaira usually hunt.

"Where is she,WHERE IS SHE??" Kate panicked! Skaira was nowhere to be found.Then! She heard it!! "Howling!" Kate heared a familiar howl! It must be Skaira! That means she is in trouble! Kate forced her legs to run and followed the sound.

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