Chapter 4-Mark Knows

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It had been a while since Skaira and Mark got to be together.Soon enough Skaira's parents,after a lot of arguments, they accepted Mark as the future male leader of their pack and so,Skaira's mate,or..boyfriend..for now! Skaira soon told Mark about her secret lioness friend and everything about how they met,as well as her thoughts and beliefs about the lion-wolf relations.

Mark:" are telling me that you have a secret friendship bond..with a lion?!"

Skaira looked at him with a serious expression and responded proudly.

Skaira:"Yes..yes I do! What's wrong with that?" she talked back to him.

Mark:"Y-yeah but......You do realise that we are enemies,right?" he spoke up softly,trying not to annoy her. She frowned a bit.

Skaira:"We are not enemies! Why do we have to be?! Mark....we are not so different..! Please believe me! Give me a chance to proove myself..!" Skaira was determened to take,at least him,on her side. She wanted the wolves to change the way they see lions.The same for them ofcourse; but this was up to Kate.

Mark was not sure about what to say. He didn't think there's the possibility that lions would seem different to him.But he knew that he trusted Skaira..and so he would let her lead the way!

Mark:" *sigh*..yes..I am willing to meet this so called Kate" he smiled softly as he looked down to her.

Skaira's heart started beating faster.'Yes!' she thought,'I may change something now!'

Skaira:"Yes! Ah gosh Mark!  Thank you!" she almost cried from his positive response.

Mark:"Hehe..anything for you Skaira.." he smiled once more as he lowered his head to hug her.

Some time later,Skaira was ready to meet Kate once again. This time Mark would be coming too.She was was kinda worried though! She didn't have the chance to tell her,and she might react rushly and attack Mark. She just hoped for the best!

Mark:"Are we there yet?" he half-whispered as he followed Skaira.

Skaira:"Actually,yes! We are here! Now stay there.I'll go get her." and with that Skaira walked forth searching for the lioness. Soon her eye caught the blue characteristic mane.'Well that's her!' she thought and approached.


Kate:"SKAIRA!" Kate rushed towards her and gave her a quick hug."I really have been waiting to see you!"

Skaira:"Yes me too! Oh and umm! There is...someone I want you to meet and he is-" before Skaira could complete her sentance Kate interupted her.The lionesses eye caught someone crouching nearby.

Kate:"GET DOWN SKAIRA!" Kate,with no second thought she jumped onto Mark growling."WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! DID YOU FOLLOW HER HERE?!" Mark was shocked! Huge teeth were showing right above him.As a lioness,she was way bigger than him.Mark was a very brave wolf! But still, a lioness pounding him to the ground was kinda scary!

Skaira:"KATE,NO STOP!" she panicked and run closer."HE IS WITH ME! HE IS MARK!"

Kate:"Wait..Mark you say?" Kate looked at Skaira and moved her gaze back to Mark.He just nodded with an annoyed expression."OH MARK!" her face turned from angry to excited as she moved away to let him get up."Sorry for this buddy,I was worried you were about to attack us!" she confessed and apologized.

Mark:" know me?" he looked at her with a surprised gaze.

Kate:"Are you kidding? Ofcourse I do! Your little girlfriend has told me everything!~" the lioness teased.Skaira blushed a bit and smiled.

Kate:"So..eheh.. I think we need to make a new start! Ahemm! Hey there! My name is Katerina,but you can call me Kate! Pleasure to meet you." she smiled as she introduced herself.Mark smiled back.

Mark:"Heh..a pleasure to meet you too,uh Kate!"

Everything was going well.Mark realised that Skaira's words were true. There really was a chance for lions and wolves to live in peace. But the time when they had to split up came very soon. They said their goodbyes and they all took off for their home. On their way,Mark decided to tell Skaira about his thoughts.

Mark:"You were right Skaiar.." he spoke up softly."She really is a nice person,maybe not the ideal buddy for me but..I could see she trusts you."

Skaira:"I'm so glad you let me show you to her. She wanted it too."

Mark:"Andd I'll ignore the fact she firstly tried to kill me!" he teased

Skaira:"Heh yea! Don't feel annoyed! She was just protecting me and herself."

Mark:"Yea I know..*sigh*..I hope you can change the others' mind just like you did with me."

Skaira:"I really want to..but..I don't think they will listen."


Kate just made it to where her pride was. She hoped no one noticed she was gone.Little did she know..that some lionesses did notice more than enough things!

RandomLioness:" Oh look who's back!

Kate:"Oh hey Neila!" Kate's relationship with the young lionesses of her age was not that good.She was keeping her distance.

Neila: "Where have you been?"

Kate:"Just a walk around,some hunting,none of your buisness." she said as she walked past her.

Neila:"Well..when it comes to..hanging out with outsiders..I think it is my buisness"

Kate froze there and spoke without turning her head.

Kate:"What do you mean?"

Neila:"I know about your wolf friends!"

Kate turned her gaze on Neila! You could clearly see emotions like shock,anger and fear! She slowly turned to look at her with a death glare. Soon more lionesses seemed to support Neila. 'She must have told them already!' she thought.But still she did not seem to back down. She rose her head up high proudly. She took a good look at them all. Then she spoke up.

"Curse you all!!"

ANDDD THIS IS THE OFFICIAL ENDING OF CH4!! Please tell me what you think^^ I'll try to continue as soon as possible! :)

See ya~

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