Chapter 3-Her Answer

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Kate was coming back home from her unexpected meeting with Skaira.Her whole way back was full of thoughts and possible answers to Skaira. "Should I agree..?..or not...?" she kept repeating in her head.Without realising she was back hime.

Misha:Katerina! You're back! How did it go?

Kate:"Oh it..went good!" She tried to lie and fake a smile

Misha:"What did you catch? Warthog? I guess so; its the easiest."

Kate:"Uhhh yes yes! Warthog!"

Misha:"Why didn't you bring the left overs back? I bet you didn't eat it all yourself."

Kate:"Uhh! I would if I could but um..the..THE HEYNAS! Yea they came and took it so..ahem..yea"

Misha:"Good god! They could catch you too!"

Kate:"Yes! I was lucky,heh" her fake laughter faded away.Her thoughts couldn't keep her focused.

Misha:"Whats wrong Katie?" Misha noticed her daughter was not clearly ok.

Kate:"Eh? Oh Im fine. Just thoughts running around in my head,nothing important,really!"

Misha:"Ok..but if its anything you wanna talk about,i'm here,you know that"

Kate:"Mhh yes moom i know,dont worry!"

Misha:"Now go play with your friends sweetie,I gotta go"

Kate:"Bye mom!"

Instead of playing with the rest of the lioneses,she took off to her cave.A very small small cave in her territory hiden from the trees and the long grass.She kept thinking...If i agree I put both of us in danger..but I really want to see her again..If they find out it's over..but being enemies is not the right choice! *Sigh*...What should I do..?

------- 3 Days Later --------

Kate:"MOM! I'M GONNA GO HUNTING NOW,K?"Kate used hunting as an excuse to meet Skaira and took off.She had finally decided what she wanted to do. Soon enough she was there.Her head reached above the grass to see clearly.She was there.Waiting patiently.

Kate:"Hey Skaira!" she called out.

Skaira:"Kate! You finally showed up! How have you been?"

Kate:"Well,nothing much! I am fine,heh.You?"

Skaira:"Fine too! So? What did you decide?"

Kate:" answer is.."Kate slowly faced Skaira and a sall smile was on her face."..Yes"

Skaira:"REALLY?!" Skaira jupmed suprised and happy from her positive answer

Kate:"Yea..being enemies is no good..I wanna make a change..and do the right thing,accepting your offer."

Skaira:"Gosh..thank you Kate! I'm so happy you agreed!"

Kate:Hehe! I am too!~"*growl*"That was my belly! Shall we actually hunt?"

Skaira:"You Kate! Haha! Yep! Let's go!"

And so Skaira and Kate were meeting at their spot day after day.Each day more fun! But also more dangerous..if anyone got would be the end! So they had to be extra careful! Not to be cought..Everything seemed to  be going fine,until..well! Skaira had a crush.

Kate:"WHAT?! REALLY!? Who is he??!"

Skaira:"Well heh..his name is mark and-"

Kate:"Is he nice?~"

Skaira:"Yes ofcourse he is and-"

Kate:"Is he handsome?!~"

Skaira:"What are you asking?! *blush* yes but-"

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