Chapter 7 - Revenge

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Last time we saw our heroes,they had to deal with 3 lions from Kate's old pride that were ordered to attack Skaira and Mark.Thankfully they got out of the situation without loosing any lives.They got  seriously injured but with rest and care they would be back on their feet in no time! Kate's help was also a chance for the wolf's leader to show some respect towards Kate.A new start maybe..?

Kate promised a heyna pack to protect them for 4 months,from any kind of enemy.But since she was injured she had trouble fighting.

"Begone! This pack is under my protection! Go steal another kill!" Kate tried to get rid of some young lionesses that atempted to steal the pack's kill. Since they were young and unexperienced ,it wasn't much of problem.They soon were gone."Ok..the lionesses have left.You are free to feast." said Kate between breaths."Good job! Thanks!" the leader heyna said. Kate was going to sit a bit farther away to rest while the heynas would be eating.She moaned in pain at some steps as she tried to walk.One of the heynas noticed."Hey! You alright?" he said."Oh yeah don't worry! It's not serious." she smiled and sat down."Why are you in pain? Did something happen yesterday when you ran off?" he asked."As a matter of fact yes.I got into a fight with some lions,that's all."she explained."Oh I name is Jonan by the way." he introduced himself to the lioness."Nice to meet you,Kate!" she gave him a smile and bowed her head lightly.Jonan was about to speak again when the leader called for him.He nodded and moved away from Kate after he said a 'goodbye'.There were no other enemies in sight.Kate could rest her head for a while.


Skaira's father was out to hunt with some other wolves.Their prey was a male deer.An adult deer,and male,could be a good catch for the wolves.But with the 'weapons' it posessed it wouldn't be that easy. They started by trying to seperate it from the rest of the herd and then the chace was about to come.Four wolves chasing it from behind and other two at the sides.After they had it surrounded they had to grab it.Kairo was the first one to atempt to get closer.He dodged succesfully the swings the deer made with it's antlers. After a while he had it's neck between his jaws.The rest had to hold it still,and get his legs and back,but the experienced deer,with a strong move,freed itself from Kairo's grip.Since it was injured and tired it couldn't run that fast now,but the wolves were also exhausted.It seemed like the hunt would be a fail for the pack but luckily for them,someone decided to take a walk around that area.

Kate jumped out of the bushes and started chasing the deer.Since she was injured she couldn't do much,but she managed,since she wasn't as tired as the wolves,to catch it's back leg.Normally with Kairo's order they would back away since a stranger joined their hunt,but he recognised the lioness.They all soon caught up and made the deer lay on the ground.The hunt was succesfull.

"What was that about..? Lion..?" Kairo asked with a grin."Sorry your highness..just wanted to help.." she bowed her head lightly and backed away a bit, giving them space."Are you trying to gain my trust by helping?" he questioned her.Kate stayed quiet.Kairo lifted his head and responded"I'm sorry young one,but that's not gonna work on me.Maybe on my daughter..but not on me..".Kate sighed in disapointment.She actually thought she had a chance to make a new start with Kairo.Looks like this wasn't about to happen.She turned away to leave with no other word,but someone interupted her."Although...I am grateful to you for saving Skaira the other day..Thank you.But that doesn't change anything.You need something more than that to gain my trust." he completed his sentence.Kate looked at him with a small smile."So..there's a a way I can make you trust me..?" she asked.Kairo didn't responde but returned her the small smile.That was enough to make Kate leave with her hopes still alive.

Right now she was on her way back home.But her mind was wondering.She wasn't thinking of her pain,neither Kairo,neither the heynas..her mind was at Skaira,and the wolves that tried to harm her.Not only her! But Mark too.

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