part 9

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Lance's POV
      HOLY SHIT. I kissed Keith. Is that good? No. YES! I need to talk to him. I sprint after him trying to keep up, which is fairly easy woth my long legs, but hard because of the head start he got. I see him dissapear into his room. I run up to the door and knock quietly.
     "Keith? Can you open the door?"  I ask.
     "No Lance. We'll talk later." Keith says. Pissed off, or on the verge of tears. I don't know which.
     "I just wanna talk to you." I say leaning my head against the door and waiting for an answer.
     "You've said enough Lance. Leave me alone." Keith says, more hatred lacing his tone than before.
     I walk off into my room and dance to sad love songs until I decide to go to my studio. I stay there for what seems like two hours before Pidge comes in asking why I'm dancing this early in the morning.
     "I just needed to think." I say to Pidge as I drink some water and wipe the sweat from my face.
     "For 8 hours?" She says looking me over and rolling her eyes.
     "Yes for 8 hours you smartass." I say "Now goodnight." I walk into my room to find Keith sitting on my bed looking through an old photo album of mine.
     "What?" I say confused.
     "I needed to talk to you. About the kiss. I know that your bisexual but I don't know if I like you like that." Keith says running his hand through his hair.
     "I know. It was inappropriate and rude of me. I understand that you're upset, and I know that you arn't gay but sometimes I let my emotions control me." I say sitting on the bed next to him.
     "No it's not that I'm not gay, it's more about the fact that our mission could be messed with. And that can't happen, the fate of the universe is in our hands and if we hold each others that's two less hands to hold the universe." Keith says standing up. "You're  a really good kisser." He says before walking put of the room.
     "UUUGGGGHHHHHAAAA!" I scream, defeated and upset I punch my pillow out of frustration and decide to take a shower.
Keith's POV
      I sit down on the floor of my room and start to cry. I don't know why I'm crying. I just am. And it feels good, so i am going to sit here and cry, about Lance, about my dad, about school, about my mom. About the fact that I'm in space and thats fucking cool. The fact that I'm hot as shit and could get even LANCE to fall for me, but I can't. Because everything would change and I can't take that. Everything has changed already but I can't ever fix that. So i sit here and cry, on the cold ass floor.
     I think back to the night Lance and I slept in the same bed. When we were eachother it felt weird holding my own body but knowing that it was Lance. I think back to the night before that and looking at his body. His tan complexion and soft, yet toned abs, and his cute little V-line, and his back dimples. Goddamn it. Lance is adorable and I can't do anything about it. Well... maybe there is one thing.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Guys! I found my phone and have a new update schedule! Saturday nights unless I have a crazy idea during the week. I hope you enjoyed this part and I hope you have a wonderful day.


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